Page 108 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 108

Christian Psychology alive

             to be covered for December 2015’s conference        they were all invested in and actively listening
             were as follows:                                    to the material they were being presented with.
             •  How to survive trauma, divorce, loss, and        The learners in the audience responded well to
                grief (Where is God when bad things hap-         hearing their peers making links between their
                pen?)                                            Christian beliefs and how this impacts on the
             •  The pressure to use drugs and alcohol            challenges that they are faced with. Giving them
             •  Responsible sexual behaviour and the dan-        this opportunity to be involved in the answe-
                gers of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)     ring of questions added a realm to the confe-
             •  What emotions are, and how to deal with          rence that would not have been possible had I
                them                                             been  the  only  person  responding.  Something
             •  Cyberbullying, and social media as a means       shifts in adolescents when they can relate to one
                of cyberbullying                                 another on a revolutionised level.
             •  What depression and anxiety feel like, and
                how to deal with it in body, spirit, and soul.   Furthermore, due to the fact that I am a psycho-
                                                                 logist by profession, I am well aware of the fact
             During the presentation of this conference, we      that my own knowledge and expertise is limited.
             placed  a  ‘post-box’  at  the  front  of  the  school   For this reason, I invited an educator as well as a
             hall and invited learners to anonymously wri-       pastor to join the conference so that they could
             te down any pressing questions that they had.       give the professional counsel and information
             This proved to be an enriching initiative with      that was needed in this integration endeavour.
             the learners asking over 100 questions within       The combination of these three fields ensured
             that three day period. The anonymity of being       incredibly rich, inclusive, complementary, and
             able to ask the questions that they’re afraid to    comprehensive content for the duration of this
             ask  anyone  else,  or  afraid  to  be  heard  asking   conference. Questions were answered by all the
             anyone else, was the key to ensuring that this      professionals  that  presented  material,  with  us
             exercise was successful. Some interesting trends    often inviting commentary from one another.
             and themes could be seen throughout the que-        The questions posed showed clear themes that
             stions. On the second day of the conference, I      demonstrated  just  how  complex  it  can  be  for
             invited  the  learners  themselves  to  participate   adolescents to make sense of their faith in the
             in  answering  some  of  these  anonymous  que-     midst  of  the  pains,  pressures,  and  expectati-
             stions. An inordinately high percentage of the      ons placed on them by others, especially their
             learners at this school are born-again Christians   peers. Some of the themes that became obvious
             who have a deep commitment to their faith, and      through the questioning were as follows:
             centre their lives on making wise and biblical
             decisions. I am, as the process of ageing would     1.  There still seemed to be a confusion about
             impose, no longer in the prime of my own ado-          whether  or  not  Christians  are  ‘allowed’  to
             lescence, and I recognise that while I may pos-        be depressed or anxious, and if this is not
             sess years of spiritual insight and professional       an  indicator  of  weak  faith.  Many  learners
             training, my ability to fully relate to what these     were not yet well versed in the psychologi-
             learners deal with is somewhat limited at times.       cal, social, neuropsychological, biochemical
             Therefore, giving some of these adolescents the        and spiritual explanations and aetiological
             opportunity to merge their testimonies with the        research conclusions that address the que-
             psychological  education  that  they  were  recei-     stions surrounding mental health. Much of
             ving was a way in which the integration of these       this presentation was shared by me and the
             fields became far more accessible to the learners.     pastor who was on the panel.
             When I came across a question that I deemed         2.  Many of the learners are being faced with
             appropriate for the exercise, I asked if there were    the temptation to use drugs in order to gain
             any learners who wanted to volunteer to share          peer acceptance, not as much amongst one
             their thoughts on the question posed. There was        another within the school setting, but defi-
             no shortage of volunteers which indicated that         nitely within their communities. Marijuana

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