Page 102 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 102

Christian Psychology alive

             Marieke Willers
             The Professionalisation

             of Pastoral and Spiritual

             Care and Counselling

             in South Africa

             People  in  South  Africa  suffer  from  spiritual
             wounds and stress. The causes are many - the              Marieke Willers completed a BSc de-
             lack of reconciliation, poverty, HIV/AIDS, un-            gree at the University of Stellenbosch,
             employment,  on-going  violence,  crime  and              majoring in Biochemistry and Micro-
             transformation  in  the  workplace...  Problems           biology.  She  started  her  career  in  an
             in  the  family,  marriage  and  relationships  are       oral  cancer  research  unit  of  the  Me-
             compounded by issues such as debt and work-               dical Research Council for eight years
             related stress.                                           and  then  joined  the  Atomic  Energy
                                                                       Corporation,  as  well  as  the  Council
             The overwhelmed society needs trained caregi-             for Scientific and Industrial Research
             vers to actively become part of a healing process.        (CSIR).
             There is clearly a need for a unified and consi-
             stent approach to pastoral and spiritual health           Gradually  she  moved  closer  to  the
             care. Pastoral and spiritual caregivers, although         “people     business”    establishing,
             they may be highly trained and competent, are             amongst others, a public relations of-
             not always recognised as professionals – in spite         fice and a bookshop at the church she
             of their unique perspective on emotional pro-             attended.
                                                                       In  November  2006  she  became  in-
             Spirituality needs to be integrated into the prac-        volved  with  the  administration  of
             tice of healthcare by realising the value of faith,       the  Southern  African  Association
             hope  and  compassion  in  the  healing  process.         for  Pastoral  Work  (SAAP)  and  wor-
             Pastoral and spiritual caregiving by appropria-           ked alongside her brother, Prof Callie
             tely qualified practitioners utilises the dimen-          Hugo, who was the SAAP chairperson
             sions of faith, spirituality and religion to guide        at that stage. Professor Callie had a vi-
             and facilitate people towards the transformati-           sion and a passion for the professiona-
             on of their life situations.                              lization of pastoral care and counsel-
                                                                       ling in South Africa. He left no stone
             Both professional (e.g. ministers, pastors, and           unturned to reach this goal, until his
             qualified pastoral and spiritual caregivers) and          untimely  and  sudden  passing  in  Oc-
             lay  pastoral  and  spiritual  caregivers,  are  uti-     tober 2010. Marieke, however, stayed
             lised and work within contexts such as youth              with  SAAP  and  still  contributes  in
             work, family and marriage counselling, church             any possible way to keep her brother’s
             congregations,  schools,  the  police  service,  the      dream alive. She enjoys building rela-
             defence  force,  correctional  services,  crisis  call    tionships  with  members  of  the  orga-
             centres, emergency services, hospitals and the            nisation – Pastoral and Spiritual Care
             wider community.                                          and Counselling Practitioners.


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