Page 112 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 112

Christian Psychology alive

             Keith Michael                                          Keith  Michael,

             Christian Networking                                   Dr.,  Chairper-
                                                                    son of Christi-
             Alliance for Healthcare in                             an Networking

             South Africa                                           Alliance    for

             The Christian Networking Alliance for Health-
             care  was  formed  after  the  historic  Christian
             Healthcare Networking Conference, which was
             held in September 2008. The conference was at-            
             tended by all the main Health Care Christian
             organisations in South Africa.                    For the first time in our country’s history, Chri-
             The theme of the conference was: Christ, our      stian  Health  Organizations  are  now  formally
             Hope in Healthcare.                               committed  to  collaborate  with  each  other  in
             This conference was held in response to a reali-  providing  a  Biblically  based  voice  to  the  na-
             zation among Christians in the health fields that   tion on health issues as well as embarking on
             the Christian influence in health and healthcare   other joint processes to extend the Kingdom of
             in South Africa had significantly declined over   God in the health environment and the broader
             the  previous  decade.  This  decline  had  contri-  Body of Christ.
             buted to the general decline in healthcare in the
             country with the resulting vicious cycle of pa-   A number of Christian organizations are cur-
             tient  dissatisfaction,  negligence,  lawsuits,  staff   rently involved in the Alliance, who has been
             demoralization and emigration. The decline was    meeting on a 2-3 monthly basis since its inau-
             perceived to pertain to all aspects of healthcare,   guration in 2008. The focus of the meetings is to
             such as private and public care, university and   discuss and pray about healthcare matters rela-
             college training, medicine and nursing aspects,   ted to national interest.
             as well as paramedical services. There was also
             a perception that there was no united Christian   The  organisations  comprise  of  Hospivision
             voice to be heard in a country, which is facing   South Africa, represented by Rev dr. Andre de
             a heavy burden in lifestyle, moral and ethically   la Porte. This is an organisation working in hos-
             related health issues and diseases.               pitals serving terminal ill patients and provide
             This raised the concern, which is still a perti-  bereavement  and  trauma  counselling  to  pati-
             nent  concern  that  healthcare  in  South  Africa   ents and their families; Christian Medical Fel-
             had  lost  its  way  and  that  caring,  compassion   lowship, represented by Drs M Sobekwa and M
             and competence are deteriorating in all sectors   Bac; Healthcare Christian Fellowship, represen-
             of healthcare.                                    ted by Dr Keith Michael (medical doctor) and
                                                               Erica Grunewald (a qualified nurse); The Insti-
             As a result, it was agreed by the leaders of the   tute of Christian Psychology ( a training insti-
             healthcare organizations present, that the Chri-  tutions providing short courses and degrees in
             stian healthcare organizations in South Africa    Christian counselling and Christian psychothe-
             should amalgamate into one umbrella organi-       rapy), represented by Prof dr. Nicolene Joubert
             zation,  the  Christian  Networking  Alliance  for   (a registered psychologist), Private Healthcare
             Healthcare. The mission being to unite Christi-   South Africa, represented by Dr Tommy Gray,
             ans in healthcare into a single voice, represen-  a  medical  doctor  that  represent  Private  Hos-
             ting common concerns across all spectrums of      pitals, Community Health Evangelism (CHE),
             healthcare.                                       represented by Mr Kevin Pipper; the National

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