Page 148 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 6
P. 148

Christian Psychotherapy

             ter), Jesus has died for you.“ Aggression smelts   •  Euroopan matka ollut hyvä, sain uusia ystä-
             away. Anna says softly to her husband: “If you        viä, joihin kontakti jatkuu,
             do not want to come, I am leaving, anyway.“       •  Saan olla tällainen. ”kankea englantikaan ei
             The man does not rage against Anna’s decision.        hävettänyt”
             Anna‘s anger turns into sorrow that she cannot    •  Uusi identiteetti: olen erilainen kristitty
             share such great experiences (trips) with her         motoristi
             husband but she is delighted that she can traval   •  Matka olisi voinut olla avioero ”Jos lähdet,
             even if alone. Anna notices the relief that she       takaisin ei ole tulemista”, mutta tuntuu kuin
             need not worry about the husband`s well-being         se olisi uuden alku myös parisuhteessa
             and mood. She is learning to give permission to   •  Erillisyys antaa mahdollisuuden yhteyteen
             herself to enjoy what she has and not to mourn    •  Iloitsin kun mies haluaa tutustua uusiin ih-
             what she does not have.                               misiin. Olin hänestä jopa ylpeä istuessani
             Anna struggles with a new life and old expec-         hänen vieressään kokoontumisessamme.
             tations. Is it possible to take realities as facts?   •  Edelleen haluan olla tarpeellinen, mutta nyt
             “The husband does not change, the former close        en tee sitä omien tarpeitteni ja  jaksamisen
             loving relationship does not return, I need not       kustannuksella. Tunnistan kuormittumisen
             worry about the husband`s well-being. He is an        vaaran. Opettelen rajojen asettamista.
             adult, a healthy human being, he is responsible   •  En anna katkeruudelle tilaa. En anna katke-
             for himself. I give myself permission to ask for      ruuden tarttua, vaikka mies ilmaisisi katke-
             what I need, what I want. I dare to see that in       ria ajatuksia.
             this stage of life, some else’s well-being is not up   •  Olen vastuussa omasta elämästäni. Mieheni
             to me. I am responsible for my own well-being         on vastuussa omastaan.
             and coping.“
             Anna visited Australia alone and went alone to
             the Gospel Riders´ tour of Europe. The husband
             escorted her on a journey, and sincerely wished
             her a good trip. “I do not like the big groups,“
             he assured her. Anna could send her prayer
             requests during the trip to her husband when
             she had problems with the bike, or coping. The
             husband joined the group when they came to
             Finland. He wanted to see the tour mates about
             whom  he  had  heard  about  in  via  Facebook.
             Anna’s husband also attended a weekend mee-
             ting of the group, which made Anna very happy.
             At the last meeting, Anna is happy and empo-
             wered. She tells                                                     Saara Kinnunen (Finland)
                                                                                  Psychotherapist working
             •  The European trip was good, I made new                            in Family Counseling Cen-
                friends and the contacts will continue                            ter in Lutheran Church in
             •  I am allowed to be as I am. “I was not even                       Finland. Master of Arts in
                ashamed about my poor English“                                    Social Psychology, Edu-
             •  A new identity: I am a different Christian                        cation  and  Musicology.
                biker                                                             Board member of ACC in
             •  Differentiation is the way to connection                          Finland and of ISARPAC.
             •  The trip could have resulted in a divorce, “If                    Author of several books
                you leave, there is no coming back,“ but this                     about marriage, parenting
                risk did notmaterialise, as it seems.                             and counseling.
             •  I rejoiced when my husband wanted to meet
                new people. I was proud of him, even while                  

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