Page 217 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 217
The meeting of EMCAPP in Lviv
was distinguished by its friendly
atmosphere. Dr Rostyslav She-
mechko and his colleagues from
the Centre of psychology of the
Ukrainian Catholic University
were abundantly welcoming and
made our work at the Symposium
very comfortable, perfectly orga-
nized and enjoyable. Discussions
in small groups following the lec- The Symposium in Lviv has given me the
tures were even more productive opportunity to be in a circle of like-minded
and inspiring because of extre- people and share with them experiences,
mely meaningful questions posed plans and dreams. It was interesting to
there for future consideration. hear how Christian psychology is develo-
(Maria Joubert, Russia) ped in different cultural and ethnographic
contexts. Extremely important to me was
just sharing experiences on approaches,
methods and techniques that are used in
counseling, which is based on a Christi-
an worldview and its values. Once again,
I felt convinced that we as Christian psy-
chologists of different confessions can be
united and agree on a Christian anthro-
I am happy, that it was the first time, that EMCAPP Symposium took pology which understands humans to be
place in Ukraine, and that it was in Lviv. It was a great pleasure to meet created in the image and likeness of God
here with old friends and to discover new people, who join our movement. and therefore deals with human goals in
I appreciate the most the personal friendly relations and the ecumenical life, with joy and difficulties, in the light
diversity within the EMCAPP. The discussions and presentations moti- of the God given dignity and with eternal
vate me for future researches on the theme of Christian psychotherapy. purposes. (Shemechko Rostyslav, Ukraine)
I am also thinking about cross-cultural projects, which we could realize
together. (Olena Yaremko, Ukraine)
The EMCAPP Symposium in Lviv
was remarkable for me for its spirit
of dialogue. Many scientific confe-
rences are taking place around the
world, but people are mainly talking The 12th Symposium of EMCAPP
there, while here, at the Symposium Lviv, Ukraine, 9-12 September 2013
were mainly listening to each other. Healing Factors in Christian Psychotherapy
Quiet and almost family atmosphe-
re allows confidential dialogue with
like-minded people. This dialogue
has discovered more in common than
differences. Thinking now about the
term “healing”concerning the healing
factors discussed, I find it more me-
dical or charlatan. As to me, in psy-
chotherapy it is better to say about
the new experience or change (trans-
(Fr. Andrey Lorgus, Russia) 217