Page 212 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 212


             Contributions by Charles Zeiders and Dana Wicker (USA)
             “What Role should Play the Interpretations of Dreams in

             a Christian Psychology?”

             Dana Wicker (USA)                                                         Dana Wicker  (USA)
             The Role of Dream interpretation                                          PhD,  Licensed  Psycho-

             in Christian Psychology                                                   logist,  is  an  Associate
                                                                                       Professor of Psychology
                                                                                       and Counseling at Dal-
                                                                                       las  Baptist  University,
             “What role should dream interpretation play in                            Dallas  Texas.  She  also
             Christian  Psychology?”  is  an  interesting  que-                        provides  counseling  at
             stion that has not been discussed much among                              Impact Counseling and
             American  Christian  Psychologists.  Dream                                Guidance  Center,  Ar-
             interpretation  is  a  technique  used  mainly  by                        lington, Texas.
             Christian psychologists who come from a psy-                    
             chodynamic perspective but the rational for its
             use from a Christian perspective is not usually   Jeremiah warned against prophets who prophe-
             discussed. To determine the appropriateness of    sy false dreams (Jer. 23: 25-32). God gave the
             dream interpretation as a Christian intervention   Israelites  two  test  to  determine  if  a  prophecy
             one must begin by looking at what the Bible has   was from God. The first is that a prophecy from
             to say regarding dreams. There are close to 120   God will always be accurate (Deut. 18:22). And
             references to dreams and 14 specific dreams de-   the second is a prophecy will be consistent with
             scribed in the Old Testament, while in the New    previously revealed truth (Deut. 13:1-4). These
             Testament,  only  the  book  of  Matthew  makes   tests can also be applied to determine if a dream
             reference  to  specific  dreams.  Five  of  those   is from God.
             dreams are mentioned in the first two chapters
             and highlight the divine protection and care for   While the Bible speaks of God communicating
             the baby Jesus. (Tyndale Bible Dictionary) The    through dreams during Biblical times does God
             New  Testament  does  describe  visions  such  as   still use dreams? This question can be answered
             the vision Peter received before going to Corne-  by asking missionaries who work with people
             lius (Acts 10:9-15) and Paul’s Macedonian call    groups who have little opportunity to hear the
             (Acts 16:9). Dreams were viewed in two ways       gospel. Time after time these missionaries will
             in the Old Testament, either a common experi-     report that people were waiting for them becau-
             ence that was transient (Job 20:8, Ps 73:20) and   se they had a dream that someone was coming
             meaningless (Eccl. 5:3, 7), or as a divine com-   to tell them about Jesus. Nik Ripken who tra-
             munication from God. The Israelites in contrast   veled  around  the  world  to  interview  Christi-
             to other cultures believed that only God was the   ans  regarding  persecution  of  the  church,  tells
             initiator of divine dreams and the source for in-  the story of one man who because of a dream
             terpretation. Both Joseph and Daniel gave God     traveled a great distance to a specific street in a
             credit for their interpretations of dreams. God   city he had never been to before to meet a man
             used dreams to make himself known to people       who led him to Christ. Less dramatic but also
             in a special way (Gen. 28:12), to warn and pro-   evidence that God still communicates through
             tect people (Gen.  20:3-7), to provide guidance   dreams is the testimony of believers who were
             (Gen. 31: 10-13) and to forewarn about perso-     able  to  minister  to  others  because  God  in  a
             nal  (Gen.  37:5-20)  and  national  future  events   dream directed them to someone in need. It is
             (Gen chapters 40-41).                             important for the Christian therapist to realize

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