Page 216 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 216

I attended the EMCAPP
                                                Symposium for the first time
                                                in September in Lviv. The pos-
                                                sibility to meet other Christi-
                                                an psychotherapists and hear
                                                their experiences were the
                                                most important things for me.
                                                I learned a lot about what it is
                                                to take spirituality in psycho-
                                                therapy into account. It was
                                                great to discuss the Christian
                                                Psychology on the academic
                                                level and hear scientific re-     The EMCAPP Symposium in Lviv
                                                searches about impressiveness     was for me especially a meeting with
                                                                                  deep Ukrainian soul.
                                                of Christian psychotherapy in
                                                comparison to general thera-      People there are warm and interested
                                                py. That kind of topics are not   very much in integrating spirituality
                                                common  in  my  country.  We      and psychology.
                                                will continue this discussion     I was touched also by the lectures and
                                                                                  our group work where we created as
                                                in ACC Finland.
                                                I was very impressed, when I      many  questions  as  possible…(Anna
                                                found out that church services    Ostaszewska, Poland)
                                                in Lviv were filled with peop-
                                                le many times a day. We are
                                                worried about empty churches
                                                in Western countries. It was
                                                encouraging to see how peop-
                                                le hunger for God.
                                                (Saara Kinnunen, Finland)

                                                      This year`s EMCCAP symposium brought me to a wonderful new
                                                      place in God`s colorful world: the remarkable city of Lviv with its long
                                                      European history. While talking about “Healing Factors in Christian
                                                      Psychotherapy”, we could experience examples of the beauty, which
                                                      God as well as humans have created, but also notice lots of traces of
                                                      destruction (by wars, ethnic conflicts…), which remind us that we
                                                      urgently need help – healing interventions sustained by God`s grace.
                                                      (Agnes May, Germany)

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