Page 215 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 215


             Following the ascension of Christ, Apostles Pe-   dream was the phenomenon in which he felt a
             ter  and  Paul  both  entered  intense  dream-like   perfect love that durably cast out fear.
             states that changed the course of the Western     A female patient suffered crippling bereavement
             World. In Acts 10 Peter receives a vision that it   from a miscarriage tragically endured years ago.
             is right and good to break bread with the gen-    She noted that she was always sad and traveled
             tiles and enjoy full communion with those of      through life robotically and without joy. During
             any tribe or race who might receive the gospel.   treatment  her  narrative  revealed  that  she  was
             In Acts 9 Paul endures a vision that transforms   very religious but had never offered the soul of
             him from a persecutor of the church to a defen-   her lost little one to God in Christ. Treatment
             der of the faith.                                 referred  her  to  a  priest  with  whom  she  com-
             From  Holy  Scripture  we  come  to  understand   mended the spirit of her lost child to the Lord.
             that  God  provides  revelation  and  communi-    Immediately  following,  she  dreamt  that  her
             cates to the individual and collective mind via   child was in a wonderful place and enjoyed the
             dreams and visions.                               presence of a perfect man who played with the
             Speaking  as  a  practicing  Anglo-Catholic  Cli-  child in light and protected the child in joy. This
             nical  Psychologist  who  has  provided  psycho-  experience changed the woman. Her symptoms
             therapy to Christian clinical populations in the   of sadness and depersonalization collapsed.  We
             United States for  over  20  years,  I  believe  that   met  for  more  sessions  but  she  remained nor-
             God continues to guide His children through       mally happy and animated. She was discharged
             dreams and visions. Dreams of importance to       from treatment without signs or symptoms.
             the Christian patient make a deep impression.     A 35 year old Baptist deacon presented in treat-
             Such  dreams  are  qualitatively  different  from   ment with tremendous love sickness. He talked
             spiritually unimportant dreams. Spiritually im-   about a “supermodel” in his church with whom
             portant dreams are wonderful and exciting and     he had fallen in love. Since he did not return his
             imprint  the  memory.  They  are  remembered      love, he spent his days distracted from his du-
             vividly, even years later. Because God is good    ties, moping, and unfocussed. He lamented that
             and loving, goodness and love are experienced     he could only think of her and his unhappiness
             within the dream’s core, even if the dreamer is   with unrequited love. After a certain amount of
             unsettled on a fleshly level. Christian psycho-   clinical working through, he disclosed the follo-
             logists and patients find that spiritually reliab-  wing dream, “I drive in my car near the house of
             le dreams never contradict Scripture. A dream     the ‘supermodel.’ Then the presence of the First
             woven by the Holy Spirit will always lead the     Person comes upon me and saturates the vehic-
             dreamer on an edifying path that leads to the     le. The power of the divine Love coming from
             imitation of Christ. Such dreams will encourage   the Father is indescribably strong. Out of this
             the dreamer and never invite him or her to do     strong Love the Father tells me to love the wo-
             anything wrong.                                   man with that Love.” This powerful dream offe-
             Most importantly for the Christian psychothe-     red the deacon a blueprint to get well. By loving
             rapist and patient, spiritual dreams offer an are-  this woman with a divine Love that transcen-
             na for healing. Examples from my case books       ded the intrinsic selfishness of romantic love, he
             are  numerous.  A  psychotic  Roman  Catholic     was able to transcend his disappointment and
             patient disclosed that he was terrified that his   move forward in his ministry and personal life.
             mental  illness  would  devour  his  entire  being.
             Then he dreamed that Jesus Christ came to him.    Christian  psychotherapists  should  feel  confi-
             Upon awaking the patient remarked that Christ     dent that dreams and visions have relevance to
             loved him so intensely that enduring reassuran-   the contemporary patient’s mental and spiritual
             ce  came  upon  his  mind.  Whenever  he  feared   health and that this medical reality has prece-
             that his illness would devour him, he thought of   dence in Holy Scripture.
             his dream wherein Jesus Christ loved him per-
             sonally and in deepest reality. This recollection
             served to displace his fears over and over. The

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