Page 194 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 194

Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute

            the impact we are having.  When you can pro-       trauma of sexual abuse every sense was invol-
            vide for yourself and your family through a job,   ved (touch, taste, smell, sound and sight) and it
            through growing food and selling it, fishing or    was involved during a state of hyper-awareness
            caring for children or creating something use-     because of the fear.  The lessons taught (such
            ful or beautiful – you feel a sense of value and   as I am worthless), right or wrong, will not be
            strength.  You can see the results of your hard    forgotten.  Think about a couple in China who
            work.  When you can create goods for others        lost a child in the collapse of a school during
            or things of beauty – a beautiful basket, jewelry,   the earthquake there.  What do you think might
            music, a garden or a good meal – you can point     happen if some years from now they have ano-
            and say, “Look that is what I did.  That is here   ther child and send him to school?  How do you
            because I am here.”  It is not only proof of your   think they will feel the first day they see him go
            existence; it also shows that you are producing    into the school building? Do you think they will
            something good.                                    feel afraid? How might they think about God
                                                               and his protection?
            Work can be paid or not.  It simply means you
            are using your strength, your abilities, or your   Second, you and I learn about the unseen or the
            brains to be productive and creative.  You can     things of faith through the visible world.  We
            do it every day, in small ways and affecting many   are of the earth and we learn through our five
            lives.  You will feel yourself making choices.  It   senses – hearing, seeing, touching, tasting smel-
            will  give  you  dignity  and  honor  and  respect.     ling.  God knows how he created us to be and so
            You are doing good in this world.  It has been     he teaches us truths through the world around
            noted that in refugee camps where people have      us. We grasp a bit of eternity by looking at the
            purpose  and  work  to  produce,  create  or  help   sea. We get a glimmer of infinity by staring into
            others, they do much better and become stron-      space.  We learn about the shortness of time by
            ger.  It reverses the trauma which brought help-   the quickness of a vapor.  Jesus taught us this
            lessness, evil and shame.  Traumatized people      way.  In his teachings he said he was bread, light,
            who  are  given  purpose  or  work  recover  and   water, and the vine.  We look at the visible world
            re-connect with life much more than those wit-     and learn about the unseen world. Consider the
            hout work.  Work provides purpose, a schedule,     sacraments  –  water,  bread  and  wine.    We  are
            a focus and a familiar place, all of which is con-  taught about the holiest of all through what was
            nected to the present and the future.              the diet of a very poor person during the time
            Finally, we need to consider faith and how trau-   of Jesus.  God uses this method in teaching us
            ma affects faith and how to think about that in    about his character so we do not have to guess
            terms of recovery.  I want to specifically consi-  what he is like.  He says, “Do you want to under-
            der faith as an agent of recovery for a Christian.     stand who I am?”  Here I am in the flesh.  Here
            First let us notice a couple of things about faith.     I am with skin on.  Look at Jesus and know me.
            Trauma freezes thinking.  Someone who has ex-      God explains Himself to us through the things
            perienced trauma thinks about herself, her life,   we can understand. When people are trauma-
            her relationships and her future through the fra-  tized, instead of learning from God who he is,
            me of the trauma.  She gets stuck. Trauma stops    they  learn  from  the  trauma  and  believe  that
            growth because it shuts everything down.  It is    God is behind the evil.  For many God is viewed
            a kind of death.  The thinking that grows out      through the frame of that trauma. Violence and
            of the traumatic experience controls the input     humiliation means God does not care.  He does
            from new experiences.  That means after trau-      not love me or those I love.  He has abandoned
            ma,  rather  than  faith  being  foundational  the   us.  It is quite common for people to lose their
            traumatic  experience  becomes  foundational.      faith in God after they have experienced trau-
            The trauma will serve as the framework.  The       ma.  It is another loss.
            trauma provides the control beliefs for the vic-   Elie Wiesel, from whom I have learned a great
            tim. The more aspects of a person involved in      deal about the impact of trauma, states the pro-
            what was learned the stronger the lesson.  In the   blem eloquently.  He is a Jew and he was in the

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