Page 190 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 190

Trauma Recovery Training at a Seminary? Introducing Global Trauma Recovery Institute

            If I start crying I will never stop – or, if I feel   ren but not for adults – that somehow they are
            the grief or hopelessness I will fall into a black   a sign of weakness.  This verse says that the God
            hole and never get out.  Many will try hard not    who created us considers our pain, he pays at-
            to feel anything and oftentimes people will use    tention to it and he collects our tears in a bottle
            alcohol or drugs to help them feel numb. The       and writes them in his book because we matter,
            think if they stay drunk or use drugs they can     what happened matters and our feelings about
            keep the memories and feelings away.  When         it matter to him also.  He is recording our sto-
            people do such things they spend their lives still   ry and our tears for us.  We will help others in
            controlled  by  the  trauma  because  everything   their recovery if we learn to be like him in the
            they are doing is about running from it.  It is    way  we  treat  feelings.    We  honor  others  and
            just as much in charge of their lives as when it   help them record the story of their trauma by
            was occurring.                                     listening to their words and their tears.  Tears
            At the same time, it is very important for all of   require strength and courage because it means
            us to remember that telling a trauma story – fa-   facing pain.
            cing the truth – and expressing the deep and       Many  of  those  who  are  traumatized  will  be
            painful emotions that keep company with trau-      afraid to face and feel the feelings related to the
            ma – takes tremendous courage.  Most people        trauma.  They fear losing control of themselves
            cannot do it alone.  They need connection with     and fear the pain and suffering they will endu-
            a caring and patient person to help them have      re.  These fears are understandable for the fee-
            the courage to face the truth of what happened     lings surrounding the trauma are very powerful
            and how it hurt them.  A companion in tragedy      and  the  feeling  of  such  emotions  can  quickly
            or difficulty always helps us have courage.        recreate the trauma in which the survivor felt
            Many emotions cannot be adequately expressed       overwhelmed and helpless.  Dealing with and
            in words and so non-verbal ways are important.     healing from such feelings will never occur easi-
            I have often asked people to draw or paint me a    ly.  Feeling will alternate with numbness and ex-
            picture of their sadness or fear or grief.  Many   haustion.  Those breaks are necessary and must
            years ago I saw a woman who was a dancer and       not be rushed.  Emotions must be experienced
            she created a dance that told the story of what    little by little so they do not overwhelm like the
            happened to her and how she felt.  Sometimes       trauma did. It feels much safer to experience the
            people write stories or poems or songs.  People    emotions of trauma with someone who will li-
            create symbolic jewelry or other art objects to    sten, assure them their feelings are normal and
            symbolize the trauma and its pain.  As humans      not condemn them.  Grief is one of the most
            we often express deep feelings through creative    intense emotions that accompany trauma and
            avenues – good feelings too like joy or love –     so we will be spending an entire session on that
            and so I think it is helpful to encourage trauma   tomorrow.
            survivors to use such means for their pain as      You  will  find  that  for  many  trauma  survivors
            well.  Use the rich traditions in your own cultu-  there  are  one  or  two  specific  memories  that
            re to assist this process.                         have  become  symbolic  for  the  whole  experi-
            There is a verse in the book of Psalms, in chap-   ence.  Sometimes we can figure that out by liste-
            ter 56 there is says: “You (meaning God) have      ning well and hearing what memory or part of a
            taken  account  of  my  mourning  and  put  my     memory the survivor keeps returning to.  Those
            tears in your bottle.  Are they not also in your   segments represent the whole in some way and
            book?”  This is a very important truth because     also carry intense emotion. I remember a man
            often we are uncomfortable with strong emoti-      who grew up in the slums and witnessed much
            ons – there may be cultural things that say such   violence on the street and in the home.  He was
            feelings are not proper, religious teachings that   repeatedly raped by his stepfather.  He vividly
            say it shows unbelief to have such feelings or     remembers looking through the blinds covering
            family teachings that suggest we should just be    the window one day and watching his mother
            tough and not have feelings or that feelings are   walk down the sidewalk.  He talked about see-
            alright for women but not for men or for child-    ing life through the blinds.  It was, though he

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