Page 163 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 163

A Portrait of a Christian Psychologist: Paul C. Vitz

             We will call this kind of male “the macho man.”   vides a loving and supporting relationship. This
             The answer to macho psychology provided by        relationship strengthens and empowers her and
             God the Father is shown in the life of Jesus. The   helps her to separate from her mother (see be-
             style of Jesus has been well described as “servant   low).
             leadership.”  Jesus  was  a  tough  man,  living  in   A  serious  psychological  problem  in  talking
             what today we would call a rough world, filled    about God as father and mother is the strong
             with fishermen, farmers, and carpenters, as well   implication that God is two people, just as our
             as the tough competitive world of the market      parents are two people. This would be setting
             place,  such  as  tax  collectors  and  money  len-  up  yet  another  Jupiter/Juno,  Moloch/Astarte
             ders, and an even tougher world of politics do-   pair. It should be noted that the various god-
             minated by unsentimental physical power. All      desses who have recently been proposed by cer-
             of the authority with which he spoke and led,     tain  feminists  as  candidates  for  worship  leave
             all of the power that he manifested in his mira-  something to be desired.  In most cases (as was
             cles, his mental power shown in his intellectual   true of the ancient goddesses), the modern ex-
             con¬frontations with the scribes and Pharisees,   amples also contain obvious aspects of evil. This
             was put in the service of others and of God. He   is not surprising since feminists are especially
             did not come to do his own will. Servant leader-  concerned with advocating - and I might add,
             ship is the only model I know of that is strong   worshiping  -  female  power,  but  the  last  thing
             enough  to  remove  the  sin  of  male  exploitive   that we need these days is a goddess patterned
             psychology.                                       along the model of an Indian Kali (famous for
             God  the  Father  figures  into  this  explicitly  in   her destructive and devouring aspects).
             Scripture. For example, when the disciples ask    How does the concept of God the Father help
             Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus is some-     men  who  are  drifting  toward  androgyny,  the
             what taken aback and then says, “If you have      other pathological model of sexuality? Since in
             seen me, you have seen the Father” (cf. Jn 14:8-  this unisex model men and women are seen as
             10). The concept of fatherhood as involving sac-  essentially the same, this has led to the develop-
             rificial leadership is further underlined by the   ment of a new kind of man commonly called
             fact that Jesus as the image of the Father had no   “the wimp.” In many respects the wimp is based
             natural children and indeed was chaste. There-    on the attempt to reverse the traditional logic of
             fore, Jesus and God the Father model masculi-     sex roles. We have gone from the macho man
             nity in its highest forms, independent of sexual   to what I call the “wimpo” man. In rejecting his
             activity or behavior. All children are God’s; all   basic masculine nature, this type of man is left
             children are Jesus’.                              in severe conflict and confusion about how to
             When masculine capacities are put in the ser-     live. The result of this uncertainty is the psycho-
             vice of others, neither women nor children nor    logical weakness of the wimpo man. 6
             community are likely to object. The basic point   Today  American  men  very  often  seem  to  fall
             of the Christian model about God as Father is     into one of these two categories - or to vacillate
             that it allows a boy to identify strongly and posi-  between them. The macho man remains a man
             tively with masculine ways of life, but it removes   but does not care much for others; he devotes
             the sting of selfishness - of what psychologists
             call “narcissism”- by placing male abilities in the   5 For example, see the prominent Jungian, G. Paris, The
             service of others. The notion of God as Mother    Sacrament of Abortion (Dallas: Spring, 1992), who wor-
                                                               ships Artemis (also known as Diana). Paris is attracted
             or androgynous Parent makes male identifica-      to  Artemis  because  she  is  independent,  chaste,  and  a
             tion  psychologically  not  just  difficult  but  es-  huntress of males. Other examples are the goddess Earth
             sentially impossible. The girl, who is strong in   or Earth Mother, or the goddess within, as well as other
             her feminine identity, which is usually the case,   feminine spirits. All this is often an integral part of Wic-
             responds positively to God as a father who pro-   ca. For discussions and critiques of this feminist religious
                                                               position, which was very popular in the ’80s and ’90s, see
             recent writers who present similar ideas but in a much   D. Steichen and P. G. Davis above.
             more benevolent form include D. Amneus, Back to Pat-  6 Along these lines, see D. Kiley, The Peter Pan Syndro-
             riarchy (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1979); S. B.   me: Men Who Have Never Grown Up (New York: Dodd
             Clark, Man and Woman in Christ (Ann Arbor, MI: Ser-  Mead, 1983).
             vant Books, 1980).
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