Page 86 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 86

cultural background, and personal decisions.           truth of his love for us, we are his prophets
        If we respond with trust that we are loved by          connected through his Holy Spirit. This requires
        God, the truth is revealed and we experience           humility and coming to terms with the reality.
        freedom to love in return, and so the communi-         As humans we try to capture what is beyond
        ca�on of love is taking place and others are           our intelectual capacity, but s�ll too o�en fail
        being touched by grace.                                to see what is accessible by love.

        God, being love, is not isolated from us, then.        Love makes it possible for us to discover that
        He embraces us through the mystery of life, lets       we are all connected, and that life as it is, is
        us experience himself through ourselves, other         complete and that the outer self is never to re-
        people and the world. Staying in touch with the        place the Christ-like inner self.

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