Page 84 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 84
Paweł Surma (Poland) is a psychotherapist, a member of the Associa�on
of Chris�an Psychologists in Poland, provides individual psychotherapy at
the ‘Bednarska’ Psychological Centre of ACP in Warsaw. He also works
with 12 Steps to Living Life to the Full recovery workshop groups. He is
12-step Live at Last recovery workshop leader and supervisor.
He is par�cularly interested in integra�ng spirituality into psychotherapy
prac�ce and expressing the spiritual through poetry.
A POEM: life in me
as my prayer happens
Pawel Surma
(Poland) you happened to me
an ordinary day inside
with a man I hardly see
you’re my sunrise a�er dusk
when the light is never fine
need your deeply looking eyes
and the water turned to wine
entered the impossible
what I know is trust in you
I love life and die when loving
everything in me is true
Comment to
„The Three Levels of Ministry with the Gi�s of the Spirit “
The ar�cle seems to be the author’s tes�mony the no�on of rela�onship. If there is a gi� the-
of faith, taking some closer look at the dyna- re must be a giver. If there is someone who
mics of his inner growth, an effort made to asks a ques�on, there must be someone who
seek the true nature of God le�ng people ex- gives the answer. Such cause and effect rela�-
perience love through the gi�s and charisms of onship appears to be intrinsic to what we have
the Holy Spirit. come to perceive as God’s interven�on in life.
Chris�an teachings indicate that the gi�s are
The author, reflec�ng on his ministry, has come given for the sake of the community – the Body
to realise that we can develop not through re- of Christ and cannot be viewed as independent
jec�on, but acceptance. Only then are we able of the Giver – the Holy Spirit.
to let go of our limita�ons and truly experience In Chris�anity it is believed that God is intrinsi-
the working and power of the Holy Spirit. cally rela�ng to himself (The Trinity) and invites
people to be a part of his inner life which is
What seems to be indispensable in understan- love. God the Father communicates with Christ
ding how God communicates himself to us is through the Holy Spirit. Being immersed in the