Page 70 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 70
We must resist the tempta�on to dismiss asce- memory that is at the heart of the psychothera-
�cism as a form of works righteousness or the peu�c project, finds its natural fulfillment and
imposi�on of a new law. Yes, it certainly can be- perfec�on in the three-fold ministry of Holy
come a deforming prac�ce; but the apostolic Spirit. Like asce�cism, the various forms of the-
command of spiritual discipline (asce�cism) re- rapy can deform the believer, it nevertheless
flects the anthropological reality that in our fal- can be a work of the Holy Spirit.
len condi�on, we are easily distracted. This is Without prejudice to clinical goals, to the de-
especially true when the object of our fills us gree that it promotes wholeness of being, it
with awe. Without effort, I easily forget what also serves to help the believer integrate more
God has done for me. fully into the life of the church. This happens by
And this brings us back to the Holy Spirit but correc�ng, or maybe be�er, reorien�ng
now in the work of psychotherapy. thoughts and ac�ons that have come to take
When Jesus promises us the “gi� of the Holy the place of Christ in the client’s life. Put in
Spirit,” He says that the Comforter ‘whom the more theological terms, psychotherapy can be
Father will send in my name, he shall teach you an asce�cal discipline that helps the client be-
all things, and bring all things to your remem- come free to remember the good things God
brance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (Jn. has done.
14:26). The purifica�on and re-orienta�on of