Page 67 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 67
denying “the power thereof” in the stark phra- The incarna�on also offers Chris�an psychology
sing of the King James Version (see 2 Tim. 3:5). a therapeu�c agenda that is wholly posi�ve
Moreover, the clinician must resist the tempta- and indeed even cheerful:
�on we see in some contemporary forms of pi-
ety to empty the work of the Holy Spirit of all Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, as we tell of
theological content in favor of emo�vism. the present mystery. The middle wall of par-
In what follows, I want to sketch out if only ��on has been destroyed; the sword of fla-
briefly the anthropological implica�ons of the me turns back, the Cherubim withdraw from
three-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit. Wri�ng as the tree of life; and I partake of the delight of
I do from the theological tradi�on of the Eas- Paradise, from which I was cast out through
tern Orthodox Church, some (or even all!) of disobedience. For the express Image of the
what I have to say may seem new or even alien; Father, the Imprint of his eternity, takes the
it may even, God forbid, appear here�cal. form of a slave, coming forth from a Mother
Against such reac�ons and cri�cism, I stand wi- who did not know wedlock, not undergoing
thout defense beyond a gentle reminder that change; for what he was he has remained:
on that first Easter Sunday, the report by “Mary true God; and what he was not he has taken
Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother up, becoming man through love for mankind.
of James, and other women” of the resurrec�- To him let us cry out: God, born from a Virgin,
on of Christ seemed to the apostles “as idle ta- have mercy on us.
les, and they believed them not” (Lk. 24:10,11).
Let us begin. The incarna�on changes all humanity, indeed
all crea�on, for the be�er. While not yet perso-
The Gods of Idolatry Were Destroyed nally embraced by all, by taking on our humani-
It is no denigra�on of the Cross to insist we join ty the Son unites each human being ontologi-
Good Friday to the rest of Jesus’ life—before cally to the Father and so offers all the poten�al
and a�er. To a�empt such a separa�on either of new life. To be sure, the therapist ought
explicitly or by neglect is to overlook the cos- not to lose sight of the concerns that bring the
mological, soteriological, and even implica�ons client to therapy. However, the Chris�an clinici-
of the incarna�on. This ma�ers because it is an has the unique privilege and obliga�on to
the incarna�on of the Word that jus�fies the see the client’s suffering in light of the “secret”
project of Chris�an psychology and its evangeli- of the incarna�on.
cal mission. Orthodox hymnography for Christ-
mas is helpful here. Secretly you were born in a cave, but heaven
proclaimed you to all, using the star as its
When Augustus reigned alone on the earth, mouth, O Saviour. It brought you Magi, who
the many kingdoms of mankind came to an worshipped you in faith. Have mercy on them
end; and when you became man from the and on us.
pure Virgin, the many gods of idolatry were
destroyed; the ci�es of the world passed un- As the incarna�on was both seen and yet unse-
der one single rule; and the na�ons came to en, known and yet unknown, so too the work of
believe in one single Godhead; the peoples the Holy Spirit is hidden in the depths of the hu-
were enrolled by decree of Caesar; we the man heart only slowly coming to light. And,
faithful were enrolled in the name of the even then, it is only seen “through a glass, dark-
Godhead, when you became man, O our ly” and known only “in part” (1 Cor. 13:12). This
God. Great is your mercy, Lord; glory to you! means that a certain lack is inherent even in an
(Vespers, Christmas Day). ac�ve Chris�an faith.
All liturgical transla�ons are by Ephrem Lash, available online h�ps://
h�p://, accessed 11/1/2024.