Page 66 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 66
Gregory Jensen is a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church USA and has a Ph.D. in spirituality and spiritual for-
ma�on from Duquesne University in Pi�sburgh, PA.
His more than 15 years of pastoral experience with all
aspects of clergy sexual misconduct includes inves�ga�ng
allega�ons, cra�ing disciplinary plans, advoca�ng for vic-
�ms, and helping parishes in transi�on a�er an offending
pastor is removed. Currently, he is the priest of Ss Cyril &
Methodius Ukrainian Orthodox Church and a professor at
St Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in
Gregory Jensen (USA) South Bound Brook, NJ. He is also the chaplain for Ortho-
dox students at Wisconsin-Madison.
Former contribu�on here:
The Three-Fold Ministry of the Holy Spirit
This paper explores the three-fold ministry of • The Incarna�on of the Logos in the Virgin’s
the Holy Spirit in Chris�an theology, emphasi- womb (Lk. 1:35; Mt. 1:20)
zing its implica�ons for Chris�an psychology. • The Logos in His Body the Church (Acts 2:1-
The Holy Spirit's roles in the Incarna�on, the 4)
Church, and the deifica�on of believers are ex- • The deifica�on of the believer (2 Pet.1:4)
amined, highligh�ng their anthropological
significance. The discussion integrates theolo- The first thing that should be said is that Chris-
gical insights from the Eastern Orthodox tradi- tology, ecclesiology, and soteriology all over-
�on, stressing the importance of maintaining flow any simplis�c appeal to Scripture as well
theological integrity in clinical prac�ce. The pa- as the personal piety of the individual believer.
per argues that the Holy Spirit's work in thera- To reduce the Chris�an faith in either way is
py promotes holis�c healing by incorpora�ng offensive to the Gospel and to the intellectual
individuals into the Body of Christ, thus foste- integrity of the Chris�an tradi�on. The la�er is
ring spiritual and psychological well-being. especially egress if it is undertaken to ar�cula-
te a so-called “Chris�an” psychology.
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to make God To speak bluntly—though not polemically—
the Son present in human history. In the New any appeal by the clinician to the Gospel that
Testament, we see three ways by which this is insulates clinical prac�ce from the cri�cal eye
carried out: of the theologian is a form of malprac�ce. To
do so is to claim “the form of godliness” while