Page 69 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 69

The Holy Spirit Makes Up That Which is                    given grace according to the measure of the
        Lacking                                                   gi� of Christ (Eph. 4: 4-7).
        There are three offices charged with the gover-
        nance of the Church: deacon, priest, and bi-           It is important to emphasize that the Holy Spirit
        shop. For our purposes here it is noteworthy           heals when it incorporates us into the Body of
        that at least in the Orthodox Church, the prayer       Christ. It is here that we find not simply the hu-
        of ordina�on for all three includes an acknow-         man good of fellowship but communion with
        ledgment of this deficiency: “divine grace,            the Holy Trinity. It is more than a li�le tragic
        which always heals that which is infirm and            then that the public proclama�on of this is
        completes that which is lacking.” In the prayer        greeted with scorn.
        “grace” means not an abstract force but the
        presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The                Fools did not recognise the voice spoken
        same Spirit that overshadows the Virgin and is            In prophecy, called it drunkenness from wine,
        poured out on Pentecost is bestowed personal-             When they heard the Apostles sayings in
        ly on the candidate for ordina�on. This is be-            strange tongues;
        cause the tongues of fire on Pentecost touch              We the devout, inspired, cry out to you:
        each individually.                                        Renewer of the universe, blessed are you
                                                                  (Ma�ns, Pentecost).
          And there appeared unto them cloven ton-
          gues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of        When the hidden work of the Holy Spirit is
          them. And they were all filled with the Holy         made manifest, it is o�en rejected precisely be-
          Ghost, and began to speak with other ton-            cause our wholeness of being requires that we
          gues, as the Spirit gave them u�erance (Acts         surrender our preference as the standard of
          2:3-4).                                              our lives; “not my will but your will be done”
                                                               (see Lk. 22:42). Without prejudice to the issues
        In the liturgical tradi�on of the Orthodox             that bring the client to therapy, it is the a�ach-
        Church, all the sacraments—and for that                ment to our own will that brings about the
        ma�er, the whole of the Church’s public wor-           estrangement from God that is the cause of our
        ship and private devo�on—include the explicit          suffering.
        invoca�on of the Holy Spirit taken from one of         This leads us to our final, and most o�en mi-
        the vesperal hymns of Pentecost:                       sunderstood aspect of the ministry of the Holy
          Heavenly King, Paraclete, Spirit of Truth, pre-
          sent everywhere, filling all things, Treasury of     Conclusion: Grace, Asce�cism, and Memory
          blessings and Giver of life; come and dwell in       The Apostle Peter says Chris�ans are “partakers
          us, cleanse us from every stain, and O Good          of the divine nature.” Like iron in fire takes on
          One save our souls.                                  characteris�cs of fire while remaining iron, the
                                                               Chris�an takes on the characteris�cs of God
        At its best, the work of therapy par�cipates in        while remaining human. St. Peter means this
        the healing grace of the Spirit which touches          when he says that we have “escaped the cor-
        each of us personally, correc�ng and healing           rup�on that is in the world through lust.” In re-
        our unique deficiencies. The Spirit does this by       sponse to this gi� we must cul�vate in “all dili-
        incorpora�ng us into the Body of Christ.               gence” the virtues of faith, knowledge, tempe-
                                                               rance, pa�ence, godliness, kindness, and chari-
          There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye        ty. Peter then concludes with the promise that
          are called in one hope of your calling; One          “if these things be in you, and abound, they
          Lord, one faith, one bap�sm, One God and             make you that ye shall neither be barren nor
          Father of all, who is above all, and through         unfrui�ul in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus
          all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is     Christ” (see 2 Pet. 1: 4-8).

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