Page 63 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
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life spills over the interac�ons with everyone, especially the heart, as presented in the Scrip-
including clients.” (1996, p.13) tures; that of thinking, feelings and will. A�er
all, “Psychology in the Spirit is actually a trans-
As this ar�cle well reminds the reader, with the forma�on of psychology through the central fo-
mul�tude of client’s presen�ng problems and cus of the cross, the power of the Holy Spirit
complexity of their trauma, the Chris�an coun- and a rela�onal view of the person” (Coe &
selor can take heart. God understands the cli- Hall, 2010, p.28) – all of which are affirmed by
ent’s situa�on and the counselor’s concerns. the author of this ar�cle.
William Crane states the deep influence of the
Holy Spirit as the ever-present Wonderful As a Chris�an counselor, I was encouraged by
Counselor. the clear reminder of this ar�cle of the Person
and work of the Holy Spirit in the counseling re-
The Holy Spirit has access to all the mate- la�onship. The author calls for the counselor to
rials that other psychotherapists know work in a process, led by the Spirit, in ways
and use. In addi�on, He has direct access both rela�onal and prac�cal. In summary, the
to the inner thoughts and feelings of the ar�cle reminds of a dependence on and growth
counselor. When the counselor becomes by the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Chris�an
counselee in the presence of the Wonder- counselor and their client, both in therapy and
ful Counselor and sincerely seeks the ho- in rela�onships outside the office walls.
nest reproval, correc�on and training in
righteousness, which the Holy Spirit pro-
mises, then he may find it. Many have.
(1970, p.28) References
Coe, John H. & Hall, Todd W. (2010). Psychology in the Spirit:
Contours of a Transforma�onal Psychology. Downers Grove,
It would be interes�ng to further consider the IL: IVP Academic.
work of the Holy Spirit in the counseling pro- Crane, William (1970). Where God Comes In: The Divine Plus
cess, through the Chris�an counselor, in a in Counseling. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing.
transforma�onal way. Ethics pose a challenge McMinn, Mark R. (1996). Psychology, Theology and Spirituali-
ty in Chris�an Counseling. AACC Counseling Library. Whea-
in the therapeu�c process, as also discussed in ton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
this ar�cle. Chris�an ethics are systemic in na- Sanders, Randolph K. (1997) (Ed.). Chris�an Counseling
ture (Sanders, 1997, p.30). Hence, systemic in- Ethics: A Handbook for Therapists, Pastors & Counselors.
tegra�on of context would consider the impact Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Wright, H. Norman (2003). Crisis & Trauma Counseling: A
of crea�on, fall, redemp�on and sanc�fica�on Prac�cal Guide for Ministers, Counselors and Lay Counselors.
as well as perhaps the view of human being, Updated and Expanded Ed. Ventura, CA: Regal.