Page 62 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 62
Her educa�onal background includes an MA in Counseling (Columbia
Interna�onal University, SC) and a PhD in Counselor Educa�on and
Supervision (Regent University, VA). While she lived and studied in the
United States for over seven years, she worked and did clinical
counseling internships at Chris�an Counseling Centers, at a local Church
as well as a one year internship at a city hospital. Currently Ulla lives in
Finland with her husband David. There she teaches counseling courses at
Iso Kirja College and offers counseling workshops for local churches. In
addi�on, Ulla and David serve part-�me with a Mission Organiza�on,
Fida Interna�onal. Ulla‘s responsibili�es include member care for
missionaries as well as teaching, training and consulta�on, mainly in
Ulla Dahlen various countries in Asia.
Former contribu�ons in our eJournal by Ulla you can see her:
Comment to
„The Presence of the Holy Spirit in the counseling process with
the client and counselor“
This ar�cle approaches a significant topic in with His balanced prac�ce of truth and grace
Chris�an counseling as indeed there are al- are also reflected in the work and Person of the
ways three, the client, the counselor, and God’s Holy Spirit, and should hence guide the Chris�-
Holy Spirit, present in the counseling room. As an counseling process.
the ar�cle points out, the Holy Spirit has mul�-
ple roles in the life of the believer and in the The writer of this ar�cle affirms how the holy
counseling process. One factor is that the Holy life of Jesus is to be evident in the life of the
Spirit works just like Jesus did. Having been counselor who, in turn, impacts the lives the of
promised by Jesus as another counselor, the the clients through their presence and being.
Holy Spirit is referred to as being exactly the Professors of Graduate Schools of Psychology
same as Jesus was in character and func�on at Rosemead and Biola, John Coe & Todd Hall,
(Jn.14:16). Hence, in personal growth and in speak of the factor which the clients repeated-
the counseling process, the Holy Spirit’s work ly state as most helpful in the therapeu�c
will always reflect that of Jesus in the Gospels. growth process: the therapeu�c rela�onship
(2010, p.341). The person of the counselor im-
Marriage and Family Therapist, a Cer�fied pacts the counseling process more than any
Trauma Specialist Norman Wright discusses technique or counseling modality. Professor of
the importance of seeing Jesus’ exemplary mo- Psychology Mark McMinn describes the mea-
del and approach to counseling (2003, ning of this for the Chris�an counselor, indwelt
pp.18-27). For example, Jesus’ compassion, ac- by the Holy Spirit, “Ideally a Chris�an counse-
ceptance, and worth-giving approach together lor is also a healing agent – one whose spiritual