Page 16 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 16
New: The free eMgazin Chris�an Psychology For Everyday Life
Chris�an Psychology not only contains insights for psychologists, therapists or counselors, but
also a treasure for everyone who cares about following Jesus.
I as the editor welcome you to the edi�ons of the free eMagazine Chris�an Psychology for
Everyday Life, star�ng now in Summer 2024. I have been publishing the German-
language since 2016. I will now work on various topics to
transform them for our English edi�ons and supplement with some new contribu�ons.
The topic of the first number, "Healing of The
Personal Prayer Biography", began for me
with an impression during prayer: "If you
knew what prayer can achieve, then you
would only pray!"
What did this thought make you feel?
We all need a healing of our prayer biography,
of our previous experiences with praying.
The �tle of number 2 is "My Callings By God".
"I rejoice at what God can do with a life if we
open doors for his wor - king, at the impact he
makes on this world through us. Calling –
hearing this word brings many thoughts to
mind: meaning, elec - �on, God’s will, success,
bearing fruit, blessing, God’s working,…"
Here you can read or download the pdfs: h�ps://