Page 14 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 14
ted. There are too many forces bent on destruc- In Nehemiah 4:6, we see that Nehemiah and
�on that can cause weakening in the structure. his team built the wall to a certain height and
Entropy sets in and the normal wear and tear of with Counseling should reflect this as well.
life can cause erosion. Walls must be intact to Counseling is not a life -long rela�onship and
be purposeful. Weak, fragile walls must be rein- counselors are trained to think about success-
forced with prayer and a holy life. Maintenance ful closure early in the process. No counselor
is important to every structure whether physi- wants a client dependent on them. Clients
cal or spiritual. We can glean wisdom from the need to take ownership of their own rebuilding
life of the sluggard. Proverbs 24:30-34 reads, and maintenance. Ethics codes prohibit kee-
ping a client longer than is necessary. Once
“ I went past the field of the sluggard, past the goals are met, discharge is in store. Counselors
vineyard of the man who lacks judgment; in essence want to work themselves out of a
thorns had come up everywhere, the ground job and teach clients the tools they need to live
was covered with weeds, and succeed outside of sessions. However, the
and the stone wall was in ruins. Holy Spirit con�nues the work in the ever-gro-
I applied my heart to what I observed and lear- wing process of sanc�fica�on and growth.
ned a lesson from what I saw:
A li�le sleep, a li�le slumber, a li�le folding of Finishing Well
the hands to rest- All counseling rela�onships must come to a he-
and poverty will come on you like a bandit and althy termina�on. Part of closure may include a
scarcity like an armed man.” review of all that has transpired. We see once
again the example of Nehemiah. In Nehemiah
Rebuilding walls is not a one-�me event but a 9, we see Nehemiah spent �me reminiscing
life-�me pursuit. Walls cannot be abandoned and reviewing with the people. In the counse-
or expect to stand unchallenged. The enemies ling rela�onship, it can be therapeu�c in itself
on all sides wait crouching, looking for a weak- to see just how far the client has come. Counse-
ness, an unfor�fied area to gain entrance once lors may say like Nehemiah, “...this work had
again. These can be habits, sins, lifestyle been done with the help of our Lord”
choices, a�tudes and spiritual opposi�on. The (Nehemiah 6: 16b). It can also be a �me to as-
walls must be posted with a guard. The lover of sess the needs for con�nued growth. Ending
our souls offers such a protec�on He is willing the counseling rela�onship is only the begin-
to stand guard over our hearts and souls. Nehe- ning of a life�me of growth and maintenance.
miah exhorts the people in the midst of the May each life God sends your way come away
ba�le to remember the Lord (Nehemiah 4:14). with healing, restora�on, for�fied walls and
display His workmanship and shalom for His
Rebuilding Should Take Place to A Certain Point glory.