Page 13 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 13

whole picture. It is what is below the surface         build the walls of Jerusalem and we will no lon-
        that can provide true stability. But building a        ger be in disgrace" (Nehemiah 2:17). “Let us re-
        strong founda�on takes �me. Before building a          build” offers hope and encouragement to one
        physical wall the land must be first cleared of all    who for the present only sees the rubble. The
        debris, leveled, a trench dug and a founda�on          words “Let us” convey to the client a sense of
        laid. This is true in rebuilding the broken walls      belonging. When the “Us” includes the Lord, it
        of a life as well. The rubble above and below          adds a divine dimension to the rebuilding pro-
        the surface may hinder the rebuilding. Perhaps         cess. If appropriate and permission granted
        some of what looks like rubble can be cleansed,        counselors may also work in conjunc�on with
        polished and restored, other �mes the rubble is        other professionals in a mul�disciplinary ap-
        just that -rubble. But what is under the rubble?       proach. Friends, family and church resources
        Is there a past history much like the tels of bib-     may also be involved in the healing process. In
        lical �mes, a city built upon a city. This past, if    fact, Nehemiah used this as a strategy and pos-
        not addressed in counseling, may impede re-            ted families together
        building? Are there unseen roots that can grow         (Nehemiah 4:13)and the laborers used one
        up and eventually split a newly rebuilt wall?          hand to fight the enemy, and the other to build
        Wayward roots can break through walls a foot           the wall (Nehemiah 4: 5-18). There is power
        thick. In building new walls, roots of bi�erness,      and healing in community.
        division, dissension, anger, strife, and unforgi-
        veness must be cleared from the territory we
        are aiming to rebuild. Scripture teaches us to         Watch for Opposi�on
        build our lives with imperishable things (I Co-        Nehemiah faced opposi�on. We see in Nehe-
        rinthians 3:10-15). We should not build with           miah 4:7 he faced opposi�on from the north
        wood, hay or stubble but with costly stones and        (Sanballat), south (the Arabs), east (Tobias the
        gems. The rebuilding process of a broken life re-      Ammorite) and west (The men of Ashdod). The
        quires a strong founda�on built with eternal           client may also face opposi�on from all sides.
        values in mind.                                        The opposi�on may come from outside
                                                               sources; family members, friends, co-workers,
        Have a Plan                                            or others, not allowing the client the appropri-
        Nehemiah had a plan. He used his gi�s of admi-         ate growth or change. The opposi�on may
        nistra�on and leadership and had strategies to         come from within. Many clients self-sabotage,
        accomplish the task. The most vulnerable part          relapse, go back to their perpetrator, live in cy-
        of the ancient city was the gate and Nehemiah          cles of sin, confess, repent, sin again. For some,
        started by rebuilding the gates or the doors of        it seems easier to live amidst the ruins than it is
        the city. Counselors can also start by strengthe-      to begin the painful process of change. The op-
        ning the most exposed or vulnerable areas. Like        posi�on may also be spiritual. Satan is a decei-
        Nehemiah, counselors also have spiritual gi�s,         ver and loves to see Chris�ans live defeated,
        learned skills, and a plan along with a myriad of      powerless lives. In Nehemiah 4:2, we read of
        tools or interven�ons. Treatment plans are de-         the taunts of the enemy, “What are those fee-
        signed with specific steps and measurable out-         ble Jews doing? Will they rebuild the wall? Cli-
        comes. In Nehemiah’s strategy once each gate           ents can also suffer taunts and doubts and have
        was completed, it was dedicated to the Lord            self-defea�ng, self- depreca�ng thoughts.
        (Nehemiah 3:1-3). Counselors and clients can
        also celebrate each step of progress as they           Post a Guard
        con�nue rebuilding.                                    In Nehemiah 4:9, we see a guard was placed to
                                                               protect the wall as it was being rebuilt. This is a
        Come “Let Us” Rebuild the Walls                        spiritual concept that should be considered.
        Nehemiah recognized rebuilding the walls was           Both during the rebuilding and once a wall is
        a team effort. He declared, "Come let us re-           erected the work must be guarded and protec-

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