Page 97 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 97

Two experience reports with the Agape                  As a result, I scored the most points in category
        Ques�onnaire                                           8 (love as a chance happening) followed by
                                                               category 6 (pro-feelings in rela�onships).
        "The Agape Ques�onnaire made it clear to me
        once again that the strengths of my love are           The posi�ve experiences in these areas are
        directly connected to the weaknesses of my             bearing fruit and have changed me and my
        love. My strengths of "being for others" and           behaviour.
        "loving selflessly" enable me to empathise with        I scored the lowest in category 5. It's true, I
        other people, to interrupt my work when I'm            o�en feel under �me pressure and feel I have
        needed and to be able to put my own needs to           to make the most of my �me. A�er all, I also
        one side. I am grateful for that! My love is           need �me for myself. And then I find myself
        characterised by the fact that I like to help and      scrolling through social media or playing a word
        am able to act in crisis or problem situa�ons. At      search game on my mobile phone... These rob
        the same �me, however, I also no�ce that I feel        my �me robbers and I open the door to them.
        the need to remain "vigilant" about my weak            Even though I think social media are in
        point of love: "se�ng boundaries". This under-         themselves a great inven�on and can really be
        trained part of my love causes me to neglect           put to good use. But, as I say, they are not just
        myself again and again. This some�mes                  that...
        manifests itself in �me stress because I have
        said yes too o�en instead of s�cking to my             For me, this is the conclusion: I want to make
        tasks. Or some�mes I get annoyed or                    even more use of the �me given to me to live
        exhausted and realise that I haven't been              and love (ques�on 5). Not selfishly, yet doing
        taking enough care of myself (self-love).              more than simply presen�ng people with
                                                               lovingly wrapped gi�s. I want to bring �me with
        As a learning exercise, therefore, I want to work      me. A�er all, it was lovingly given to me, as the
        on assuring myself of the statement in point 24        high score in category 8 clearly shows. What
        of the Ques�onnaire: "Nothing can separate             did and does me good and fulfils me will also
        me from the love of God." How do I do this? I          make my fellow human beings happy. If at
        don't know yet. However, one thing has rarely          some point they feel it's becoming too much of
        let me down in the past: God's assurances that         a good thing, they can honestly say so."
        "You are good enough for me"; "You don't have
        to    prove    yourself".    These    assurances
        strengthen me, fill me with love, which I need
        for my strengths and weaknesses in love."

        "I found the Ques�onnaire to be profound and
        not always comfortable. I have my own ideas
        about how I would like to be. A�er a few
        ques�ons, my inner voice spoke up: 'Are you
        really like that, is that honest? Wouldn't it be
        be�er for people who know me well to answer
        these ques�ons?' Ques�ons that I once
        casually answered with " Absolutely right"
        came back to me a few ques�ons later,
        especially in ques�on 5. Absolutely right - but is
        that how I live my everyday life? What was
        going on recently when...

        As I went on, I suspected that one category
        would probably not go my way.

   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102