Page 46 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 46

are facing. They become encouraged with each           others, both personally and through his wri-
        crisis that is resolved, and their faith grows with    �ngs, that our God is real, our Chris�an faith is
        each successive triumph. Together, pa�ent and          vital and true, and that Chris�an love can be ge-
        therapist strengthen one another in their re-          nuine.
        spec�ve journeys of faith: faith that growth can
        occur, that good can overcome, and that love           Following our transforma�onal months at l’A-
        really does prevail.                                   bri, we were in �me licensed as psychologists
                                                               and have enjoyed the privilege of gi�ing our
        O�en, a pa�ent who has experienced such ma-            faith to others. This gi� is not the passing on of
        tura�on will recommend therapy to others, and          “ar�cles of faith”, it is rela�onal faith in the
        will tes�fy to the transforma�onal nature of           goodness of God that He can work through us
        their own therapy. Some will even go on to be-         with believers and non-believers to bring about
        come people-helpers themselves: Psycholo-              healing, restora�on of rela�onships, and hope.
        gists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers,      Eventually, we founded an ins�tute for advan-
        and allied mental health professionals.                ced training of psychologists in the integra�on
                                                               of Chris�an truth with their clinical work, for us
        Case Illustra�on: Lowell and Marie Hoffman             a special privilege to gi� faith even further. Pas-
        We share this personal vigne�e in order to             sing forward our gi� received, quite a number
        transmit the faith that has been handed to us,         of our former pa�ents have embarked on trai-
        and encourage you to persevere in your own             ning to be counselors who integrate their Chris-
        journey of growth. Both of us (Lowell and Ma-          �an faith, further confirming and transmi�ng
        rie) were raised in conserva�ve Chris�an fami-         the experience of God’s faithfulness.
        lies, steeped in fundamentalism. We met in col-
        lege, and together came to understand that the         Conclusion
        Chris�anity we experienced in our youth was            As we pen these words, we are cognizant of the
        insufficient to sustain vital faith over the course    ease of being “armchair op�mists.” From
        of our lives. We were discouraged, mostly ho-          wildfires that destroy en�re country sides, to
        peless, and desperate for faith that was real.         pandemics that decimate popula�ons, we too
                                                               wrestle with the enemy who whispers, “Hath
        We were made aware of a place called l’Abri in         God [truly] said”? Our pa�ents come to us in
        Huemoz, Switzerland, and of the wri�ngs of             the midst of their turmoil, faltering, like David
        Francis Schaeffer. Devouring his inspiring             of old: “I had fainted, unless I had believed to
        works, we decided to make the life-altering            see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the
        step of selling all we had and journeying to           living.” (Ps 27:13 KJV).
        Switzerland to experience l’Abri firsthand. The-
        re, we experienced our Lord in others without          As counselors, social workers, psychologists,
        the projec�ons that prevailed from our earlier         psychiatrists, and psychotherapists, we have
        years in fundamentalism. Our experiences of            the privilege of gi�ing our pa�ents who will in-
        rela�onship in the community of l’Abri gave us         i�ally rely upon our faith that has been tested
        hope that love and truth can be shared among           over �me. In this process our pa�ents come to
        believers in Christ. Most importantly, the per-        regain, or discover for the first �me, their capa-
        son of Francis Schaeffer, with his genuine, true       city to trust, and then a more excellent trust
        faith in Christ, and selfless spirit, was transfor-    that can surrender to an Other who cares about
        ma�onal for us. God is good and we can trust           them. For those who are children of God, a re-
        him.                                                   silient assurance in the goodness of God will in
                                                               �me replace despair with a mo�va�on to trans-
        What we learned also of Francis Schaeffer’s            mit to others good news-- the good news that
        own crisis of faith years before and how l’Abri        with St. Paul affirms, “I know Whom I have be-
        was birthed because of his own journey. He             lieved, and I am sure that He is able…” (2 Tim:
        transmi�ed the gi� of faith to us and countless        1:12 KJV).

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