Page 50 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 50

Ulla Dahlen is from a small town in Finland. Her educa�onal background inclu-
                                      des an MA in Counseling (Columbia Interna�onal University, SC) and a PhD in
                                      Counselor Educa�on and Supervision (Regent University, VA). While she lived
                                      and studied in the United States for over seven years, she worked and did cli-
                                      nical counseling internships at Chris�an Counseling Centers, at a local Church
                                      as well as a one year internship at a city hospital. Currently Ulla lives in Finland
                                      with her husband David. There she teaches counseling courses at Iso Kirja Col-
                                      lege and offers counseling workshops for local churches. In addi�on, Ulla and
                                      David serve part-�me with a Mission Organiza�on, Fida Interna�onal. Ulla‘s
                                      responsibili�es include member care for missionaries as well as teaching, trai-
                                      ning and consulta�on, mainly in various countries in Asia.
            Ulla Dahlen
               (Finland)                                                                   Former contribu�ons:

        Comment to

        „Faith: Through, In and To an “Other“

        Marie and Lowell Hoffman approach a signifi-            As Marie and Lowell Hoffman outline, safe,
        cant, �mely topic in their ar�cle about deve-           consistent rela�onships are the key in the de-
        lopment of trust and of faith through, in and to        velopment of faith and trust. In their treat-
        an “Other.” In a world, surrounded by turmoil           ment of integrated psychotherapy, Mark Mc-
        on every side, in a world where trust in people         Minn and Clark Campbell (2007) echo that, pla-
        is sha�ered and faith in God is ques�oned,              cing the rela�onal aspect at the core of human
        they discuss safe re                                    beings, created in the image of God. Capacity
        la�onships as the true north on the path of de-         to think ra�onally as well as find meaning in life
        veloping a growing trust in people, and faith in        are shaped by rela�onships, and hence find
        God.                                                    their context in the rela�onship with God and
        The authors parallel the roles of a mother or           others. Therapy must be built on and rest
        primary caregiver and a therapist as modeling           throughout its process on the rela�onal focus
        trust though being a�uned to needs, and thus            of developing trust, and through that, in Chris-
        nurturing the slowly developing alliance. A             �an therapy, developing client’s faith.
        consistent mother and therapis      ndividual’s         This ar�cle has several major contribu�ons.
        cogni�ve frame of func�on, in the context of            First, the way Marie and Lowell Hoffman inte-
        trust and faith. How does thinking play a part          grate psychology and counseling prac�ce to-
        in development of faith through, in and to an           gether with Biblical principles and Chris�an
        “Other”? While the cogni�ve perspec�ve was              faith is both insigh�ul and prac�cal. Their inte-
        beyond the scope and topic of this ar�cle, it           gra�on is like a beau�fully woven fabric which
        would be interes�ng for future purposes to see          presents Scripture, psychological theory, and
        the meaning of thinking pa�erns integrated in-          client work in harmony. Secondly, while it is
        to the valuable theme of rela�onships and               evident that they have vast knowledge on the
        faith, addressed in this ar�cle.                        subject ma�er, they approach the topic with

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