Page 42 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 42

please the parent. What appeared to be a true          first came to see me, she had been hampered
        dependence, was o�en compliance that avoi-             by panic a�acks and paralyzing anxiety at her
        ded conflict and did not allow for true reliance.      workplace. Her boss had given her a leave of
        The turbulence of this period raises ques�ons.         absence in order for her to have �me to recover
        In the transference the pa�ent wonders if the          her health
        therapist is like the parent who is a hypocri�cal
        Chris�an. Some�mes the therapist is so ideali-         When Claire was 6 years of age, her mother
        zed, that their faith is una�ainable for the pa�-      was diagnosed with breast cancer. Most of Clai-
        ent. An en�rely unchurched pa�ent may test             re’s elementary school years were memories of
        the limits of how much vulgarity or salacious          mother’s struggle with cancer, with Claire as
        stories the therapist can bear.                        mother’s caretaker and confidant. If her mo-
         When this period is worked through, a pa�ent          ther needed a drink, a hug, an errand run,
        comes to know the therapist and themselves as          Claire was always sure to intuit and provide.
        individuals who have deep, though different,           Unfortunately, dad was pleased with Claire’s
        feelings about their world. They begin to truly        preoccupa�on with mom, since he had li�le ca-
        relinquish a feeling of being in control of all        pacity to empathize and support.
        things, and allow themselves to truly need. For
        the Chris�an, a capacity to believe that “Jesus        One day in our early work, Claire came in with
        really does think about you” (John 17) becomes         a box that was beau�fully wrapped. She said it
        the applica�on of object constancy for the per-        was for me because of how much I had come to
        son in Christ. For the pa�ent who walked away          mean to her. I carefully unwrapped it and found
        from their faith, they may begin to understand         a beau�ful pair of earrings. She reassured me
        reac�ons to the parents’ faith were not based          that they were only costume jewelry and did
        on reason and understanding of the truth. Pre-         not cost that much. I explained that ethically if
        viously the pa�ent had not worked through              the gi� had been of any significant value, I
        their own separateness from their parents, but         would need to politely refuse it. She said she
        had a�empted to do so through defiance of              understood. In subsequent months Claire
        them. Having experienced the therapist’s care          would o�en bring something—a cupcake, a
        and having worked through the need to be a se-         flower, a card—and lovingly gi� me. We gently
        parate person, the pa�ent is more able to belie-       explored the meaning of gi�-giving and she re-
        ve that Christ does not want to control them,          solutely held that it was simply a way of sharing
        and rather, He desires them and ac�vely seeks          apprecia�on. While I suspected that there was
        them. Now the pa�ent can reconsider renewed            a repe��on of her past taking place, the �me
        faith in Christ. For the unchurched pa�ent, the        was not right, and our rela�onship was not
        illusion of omnipotence has been realized, and         sturdy enough to explore this.
        a fledgling ability to need someone, and to de-
        sire true dependence introduces them to the            It was the week before Christmas and as many
        omnipotent, benevolent God. As the represen-           of my pa�ents do, Claire brought a gi� which I
        ta�ve of true faith in Christ that had been cari-      an�cipated would be of acceptable monetary
        catured as cultlike or unscien�fic, you, the the-      value. Instead, as I opened the fairly large box,
        rapist as a caring, ar�culate, and reliable care-      I found to my surprise a genuine Tiffany lamp
        taker can be a credible witness to “Good               that must have cost nearly $1000.00. She said
        News.”                                                 that I had “turned the lights back on” in her life
                                                               and I deserved such a valuable gi�. While it was
        Case Illustra�on: Claire                               difficult to do, I had to tell Claire that I could not
        Claire, a 46-year-old divorced woman, had be-          accept this amazing gi�. I explained that it
        en the perfect child. She was the eldest of three      would be unethical for me to accept something
        and her mother’s favorite. She a�ended church          so costly. Claire burst into tears and said she
        regularly and served as a deaconess. When she          knew that I really didn’t care for her, and didn’t

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