Page 51 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 51

humility and openness. The reader experiences          References
        a personal encounter with the authors, as if           Clinton, T. & Straub, J. (2010). God a�achment: Why you be-
        si�ng and conversing together, and in the pro-         lieve, act, and feel the way you do about God. New York: Ho-
                                                               ward Books.
        cess developing and building the very trust and        McMinn, M. R. & Campbell, C. D. (2007). Integra�ve psycho-
        faith they discuss throughout the ar�cle. As a         therapy: Toward a comprehensive Chris�an approach. Dow-
        counselor I was drawn to the client vigne�es           ners Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
        that illustrate in concrete terms what theore�-
        cal principles might look like in a therapeu�c
        prac�ce. Through the vigne�es the reader sees
        ways for trust and faith to develop daily, both in
        therapy and in rela�onships outside the coun-
        seling office.

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