Page 9 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 2
P. 9


             Thus, the project is timeless because it rest in the hands of
             God and we can trust in Him to guide our actions.

             Further to this, timing is essential in the fulfilment of
             God’s purposes as there is a season for everything. Eccle-
             siastes 3: 1 & 17 “To everything there is a season, and a
             time to every purpose under the heaven.” “And I said in
             my heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked:
             for there is a time for every purpose and for every work.”
             In John 7: 6-8 Jesus makes it clear that his time hasn’t
             come and therefore he couldn’t go to the feast. This didn’t
             apply to the disciples. “Jesus said unto them, My time is
             not yet come: but your time is always ready. The world
             cannot hate you; but me it hates, because I testify of it,
             that the works thereof are evil. Go ye up unto the feast:
             I go not up yet unto the feast; for my time is not yet full
             come.” In this passage Christ makes it clear that his time         Nicolene Joubert, South Africa,
             was set and he couldn’t yet go to the feast in Jerusalem,          psychologist, Founder and head of
             but this didn’t apply to his disciples.                            the Institute of Christian Psychology
                                                                                (ICP)  near by  Johannesburg,
             The above mentioned Scriptural time orientation beliefs            Counselling Psychologist in private
             guide our temporal focus to include the past, the present          practice, Ph.D. in Psychology
             and the future. We should live and work in the present             from Northwest University ZA.
             season and fulfil our God given purpose for this season.           Specialized in trauma therapy and
             We are also compelled to selectively build on what has             the development of dissociative
             been done in the fields of psychology, Christian soul care         identity disorder. Prof Joubert is
             tradition and various attempts to integrate Christian faith        the founder and chairperson of the
             and psychology. In building on what has been done we               South African Society for the Study
             include the past in our actions. All of this should be done        of Trauma and Dissociation.
             with eternity in mind, thus focussing on the future.

             A deeper understanding of God’ perspective of time and
             greater sensitivity for God’s timing and purpose in eve-
             ry season is essential for the continuation of this project.
             Gladly, as this project is rooted in the Rock of all ages,
             time is on our side.

             Koltko-Rivera, M.E.  2004   The Psychology of World-
             views. Review of General Psychology Vol. 8, No. 1, 3–58

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