Page 56 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 19
P. 56

Werner May (Germany)
                                     was the senior chairman of the IGNIS Ins�tute for Chris�an Psycho-
                                     logy in Kitzingen for more than 25 years ( As a teacher
                                     his main interest was in basic ques�ons of Chris�an Psychology and
                                     in counseling of foster families. He also helped to build up the Ins�-
                                     tute for Chris�an Psychology, Educa�on and Therapy in Switzerland
                                     ( Now he is the chairman of the European Movement
                                     for Chris�an Anthropology, Psychology and Therapy (www.emcap-
                            and publishes the free e-journal Chris�an Psychology Around
                                     The World (h�ps:// Since 2016 he has also publis-
                                     hed another e-magazine ( to encourage
                                     people that they can live their everyday life in rela�onship with God
                                     and others as an extraordinary life.
                                     Werner has been married to Agnes for more than 45 years. They live
                                     in Würzburg, Germany, and have six adult children.

                                     Former ar�cles by Werner available here:

        A Chris�an Psychology?                                 Eine Christliche Psychologie?

        IGNIS, the German Assoocia�on for Christan             Die Gründung von IGNIS, der Deutschen Gesell-
        Psychology, was founded in 1986 as a result of         scha� für Christliche Psychologie, entsprang
        a joint search by several Chris�ans working as         1986 der gemeinsamen Suche mehrerer als
        psychologists, psychotherapists or psychiatrist-       Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten oder Psychia-
        s: How can we - with our professional compe-           ter arbeitender Christen: Wie können wir mit
        tence and on the basis of our Chris�an faith -         unserer fachlichen Kompetenz und auf der
        develop concepts that are appropriate and hel-         Grundlage unseres christlichen Glaubens dem
        pful to people? How can our Chris�an faith be-         Menschen angemessene und hilfreiche Kon-
        come the suppor�ng and forma�ve basis not              zepte entwickeln? Wie kann unser christlicher
        only of personal but also of professional thin-        Glaube die tragende und prägende Basis nicht
        king and ac�ng?                                        nur des persönlichen, sondern auch des berufli-
                                                               chen Denkens und Handelns werden?
        The goal of this search was what they called
        Chris�an Psychology, a psychology that is deve-        Das Ziel dieser Suche nannten sie Christliche
        loped holis�cally within the framework of a bi-        Psychologie, eine Psychologie, die ganzheitlich
        blical-Chris�an understanding of reality and           aus dem Rahmen eines biblisch-christlichen
        uses scien�fic research methods.

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