Page 51 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 51
Abstract from the ar�cle: studies, R/S-accommodated psychotherapies
“Some religious or spiritual (R/S) clients seek were equally effec�ve to standard approaches
psychotherapy that integrates R/S values, while in reducing psychological distress
others may be re�cent to disclose R/S-related (g = 0.13, p = 0.258), but resulted in greater spi-
aspects of struggles in a presumably secular ritual well-being (g = 0.34, p < 0.000). We fea-
se�ng. We meta-analyzed 97 outcome studies ture several clinical examples and conclude
(N = 7,181) examining the efficacy of tailoring with evidence-based therapeu�c prac�ces”.
treatment to pa�ents’ R/S beliefs and values.
We compared the effec�veness of R/S-tailored This ar�cle is adapted, by special permission of
psychotherapy with no-treatment controls, al- Oxford University Press, by the same authors in
ternate secular treatments, and addi�ve secu- J. C. Norcross & B. E. Wampold (Eds. 2018), Psy-
lar treatments. R/S-adapted psychotherapy re- chotherapy rela�onships that work. volume
sulted in greater improvement in clients’ psy- 2 (3 ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
chological (g = 0.74, p < 0.000) and spiritual The Interdivisional APA Task Force on Evidence-
(g = 0.74, p < 0.000) func�oning compared with Based Psychotherapy Rela�onships and Re-
no treatment and non R/S psychotherapies sponsiveness was cosponsored by the APA divi-
(psychological: g = 0.33, p < 0.001; spiritua- sions of Psychotherapy (29) and Counseling
l: g = 0.43, p < 0.001). In more rigorous addi�ve Psychology (17).