Page 56 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 56

We may realis�cally perceive the other person's        The uniqueness of the other person also inclu-
        faults and s�ll accept him. God does the same          des his or her dark sides, that which makes it
        with us!                                               difficult for me to accept him or her. Let us ask
        People tend to idealise or judge others.               God to help us to discover these weaknesses
        But we Chris�ans know that no human being is           and faults of the other as poten�als for posi�ve
        perfect, and we can deal with that!                    developments!
                                                               Let us pray that hope will arise and remain in us
        First of all, there is a danger that we trivialise     that God will make something frui�ul out of
        the mistakes of others because we are strugg-          these faults and shortcomings in his �me.
        ling in the same area.
        But mistakes of others can also tempt us to be-        4. The longing antenna of the heart
        come proud because we do not commit them.              I am convinced of this: every human being has
        Other people's mistakes, on the other hand,            a longing for love and redemp�on in the depth
        can make us afraid because we are somehow              of his heart, no ma�er how he behaves towards
        involved if the other person makes mistakes,           me.
        e.g. driving a car, or at least our reputa�on          "For love", that is clear to all of us. "Redemp�-
        would be at risk.                                      on" means two things: first of all, to be able to
                                                               love again, and then to receive both, to be
        Couldn't this open up a new perspec�ve, a re-          loved and to be able to love, at no cost, un-
        evalua�on of the mistakes of others as an im-          deserved (which means grace), that is, not to
        portant personal learning process for myself?          have to do anything for it and not to run the risk
        For, first of all, every person is a chance and op-    of failing.
        portunity for me personally to get to know my-
        self be�er.                                            Outwardly, we all look different, from our
        Jesus points this out to us: "But why do you see       height to the smallest piece of clothing.
        the splinter in your brother's eye and not no�ce       (The ego-destruc�ve vice of "comparing one-
        the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say          self with others in order to devalue or enhance
        to thy brother, Wait, and I will pick the splinter     oneself" must be resolutely opposed).
        out of your eye? But in fact, there is a plank in      But inside, in our hearts, everyone has this
        your eye." Ma�.7:3,4.                                  same longing.
                                                               Inside, we are all much more alike and thus
        The helpful ques�on is: Why does this par�cu-          much closer than we think, with this longing.
        lar fault upset me so much? Why can't I accept
        the other in this or that?                             The French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas for-
        Does it perhaps have something to do with the          mulates this cry of the heart thus: >You shall
        fact that I cannot accept this same thing in my-       not kill me<, and >You shall not leave me alone
        self?                                                  as I die<.
        If I start with the other person’s splinter, my        This hidden cry or thirst and hunger of the
        own planks and blind spots are revealed and I          heart silences the differences between us. All
        can get to know myself anew and the faults of          the built-up self-presenta�ons collapse: Both of
        the other person lose their threat.                    us need grace and long for it.
                                                               It is something precious to experience a onen-
        And then: Instead of threat, see poten�al.             ess with the other in this longing.

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