Page 50 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 50
Integra�ng clients’ religion and
spirituality (R/S) within
I would like to present a very significant ar�cle.
It is especially important for psychotherapists
working in secular centers, where faith is not al-
ways respected, and even some�mes it is for-
bidden to talk to pa�ents about religious or spi-
ritual ma�ers.
The ar�cle Integra�ng clients’ religion and spiri-
tuality within psychotherapy: A comprehensive
meta-analysis was adopted from a chapter of
the book by Norcross and Wampold Psychothe-
rapy rela�onships that work. The book presents
results of meta-analyses conducted on request
of the American Psychological Associa�on. Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)
psychotherapist, supervisor, Euro-
The scien�fic results state unequivocally that pean Cer�ficate of Psychotherapy
psychotherapy tailored to a pa�ent's religiosity (ECP). President of the Associa�on
/ spirituality (R/S) is as effec�ve as other psy- of Chris�an Psy-chologists in
chotherapies, or even more effec�ve. Poland 1995-2009. President of the
ACP Psychotherapy Sec�on
We can read already in the abstract that R/S-ad- (2009-2014). Lecturer at the ACP
apted psychotherapy resulted in greater impro- Psychotherapy Study (2003-2015).
vements in clients' psychological and spiritual At present she works at the Inte-
func�oning compared to no treatment and psy- gra�ve Psychotherapy Centre in
chotherapies without R/S. In more rigorous ad- Warsaw.Author of the book “„Psy-
di�ve studies, R/S-accommodated psychothe- choterapia integra-tywna w pode-
rapies were equally effec�ve to standard ap- jściu chrześcijańskim” (Integra�ve
proaches in reducing psychological distress, but Psychotherapy: A Chris�an Ap-
resulted in greater spiritual well-being. proach). Sopot: GWP, 2015.First
published eJ 2, 2012
It means that psychotherapists who tailors the- Former ar�cles by Anna available
rapy to spirituality or religiosity (R/S) prac�ce here:
so-called "evidence-based psychotherapy" - h�ps://
which is necessary in psychotherapy today. h�ps://
Captari L. E., Hook J., N., Hoyt W., Davis D. E., McElroy-Heltzel
S. E., Worthington E. L. (2018) Integra�ng clients’ religion and
spirituality within psychotherapy: A comprehensive meta-
analysis. Jurnal of Clinical Psychology. Volume 74, Issue 11 -
Special Issue: What Works for Whom? Evidence-Based Re-
sponsiveness in Psychotherapy. Pages: 1885-2042.
Norcross J. C. & Wampold B. E. (Eds.) (2018), Psychotherapy
rela�onships that work. Volume 2 (3rd ed.). New York: Oxford
University Press.