Page 49 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
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a report of zeros and ones, and one three on Trainer of Trainers in EMDR therapy, as well as
the SUDS scale. a Psychodrama trainer. An author and interna�-
This was surprising and unexpected and leads onal speaker, she has spent her life working in
to the importance of further inves�ga�ons re- La�n America and Brazil, training in three lan-
garding the power of healing in sharing groups. guages, in both pastoral as well as clinical
se�ngs. She has wri�en books available on
Observa�ons: Amazon. Esly is married to a re�red missionary,
These groups have been formed from all deno- has an adult married daughter who is also a cli-
mina�ons and churches. Our experience has nical psychologist and trainer in her own right,
been that programs that do not come from in- and loves those grandchildren!!
side specific church ac�vi�es will not be promo-
ted by the local church. Since this is just in its References:
ini�al stages, we sent out invita�ons to those Ar�gas, L., & Jarero, I. (2014). The Bu�erfly Hug. In M. Luber
individuals who had par�cipated in previous (Ed.). Implemen�ng EMDR Early Mental Health Interven�ons
Chris�an events. for Man-Made and Natural Disasters (pp. 127-130). New York,
NY: Springer.
The mee�ngs began and ended regularly with Carvalho, E. (2018) in Rupture and Repair, TraumaClinic
prayer. Short Biblical explana�ons were given at Edições, 2018; available in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
the beginning of each one, weaving scien�fic Feli�, V.J. MD, FACP, Anda, R.F., MD, MS, Nordenberg, D., MD,
knowledge and Biblical truth before moving to Williamson, D.F., MS, PhD, Spitz, A., MS, MPH, Edwards, V., BA,
reprocessing exercises, sharing and prayer for Koss, M.P., PhD, Marks, J.S., MD, MPH. (1998) Rela�onship of
Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunc�on to Many of the
each other. Leading Causes of Death in Adults The Adverse Childhood Ex-
periences (ACE) Study. American Journal of Preven�ve Medici-
Conclusion: ne: 14(4) DOI:
As this report is being wri�en, a Healing for the h�ps://
Jarero, I., & Ar�gas, L. (2009). The EMDR Integra�ve Group
Heart group has been opened to the public in Treatment Protocol. Journal of EMDR Prac�ce & Research,
Brazil, and over 90 people are par�cipa�ng 3(4), 287–288.
monthly. A facilitator training is planned for the Jarero, I., Ar�gas, L., & Luber, M. (2011a). The EMDR protocol
leadership in October 2022, so they can begin for recent cri�cal incidents: Applica�on in a disaster mental
to learn to implement these exercises in the health con�nuum of care context. Journal of EMDR Prac�ce
and Research, 5(3), 82–94.
se�ngs where they work. A mentoring group Jarero, I., Uribe, S., Ar�gas, L., & Givaudan, M. (2015). EMDR
for these facilitators will be offered to those protocol for recent cri�cal incidents: A
who desire to receive further guidance regar- randomized controlled trial in a technological disaster con-
ding the groups they are leading or wish to text. Journal of EMDR Prac�ce and Research,
start. Training and healing groups online in Spa- Manfield, P., Love�, J./ Engel, L., Manfield, D. (2017). Journal
of EMDR Prac�ce and Research, Volume 11, Number 4, 2017
nish and English are also planned for the near 195 h�p://
future. Raimundo, C., MD, PhD (2002) Rela�onship Capital. Longman
We hope this experience can be replicated and Pub Group.
implemented worldwide and in different lan-
guages. We are se�ng up the recordings in the
languages with which we are familiar with the
inten�on that they can be sub�tled into other Presenta�ons on the Pillars of Life
languages in the future. We have learned from by Esly Carvalho:
the Lord that, ‘without healing there is no holi-
ness’. This is our contribu�on to the worldwide • Pillars of Life: EMDR and resource installa�on,
healing process, since it is easy to learn, simple EMDR Europe, Madrid, June 2012
to implement, produces fast results and provi- • EMDR and the Pillars of Life, EMDR Iberoame-
des safety in adversity. rican Conference, October, 2010, Quito, Ecua-
Special thanks to Brent Lindquist and Sik-Lam dor, with prac�cum.
Wong who supported this project with their • EMDR and the Pillars of Life, EMDRIA Confe-
presence, ideas, and prayers. rence, Atlanta, August, 2009, with a live prac�-
Esly Carvalho, Ph.D., T.E.P. is an experienced cal demonstra�on.