Page 54 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 54

Opening our images of others has four prere-           And then: If you cannot discover anything
        quisites:                                              valuable in your counterpart, then this value
                                                               must be "loved into reality".
        1. The first and basic prerequisite is that we be-     How does that work?
        come aware of our spontaneous, concrete jud-           If I am convinced that every person is valuable,
        gements of others and admit that they are fla-         then I treat them accordingly "in advance", so
        wed.                                                   to speak, un�l what is valuable shows itself to
        2. To really do without these, however, also           me. Because it is there!
        means to renounce the benefit that these quick         We have mastered apprecia�on! Each one of
        images bring to me. They give me orienta�on            us! And we should apply this apprecia�on com-
        and protect me: for me, then, I must instead           petence to every person:
        seek my protec�on in God and endure a certain          - I want to treat her/him with care.
        uncertainty of orienta�on.                             - I am happy that she/he exists.
        3. We need a real hear�elt desire not to con-          - I spend �me with her/him.
        strict others by our self-tailored images! This        - I want to speak posi�vely about her/him.
        means that just a few arguments will not be
        enough for us to renounce protec�on and ori-
        enta�on. We need empathy and compassion                2. The gi� antenna
        for the damage these images can do.                    Every person has gi�s, even if I cannot recogni-
        4. The next thing is to learn to resist all sponta-    se them immediately.
        neously occurring images of our counterpart
        and to exercise discipline in this. The ques�on        I will take �me to discover these gi�s.
        of whether the other person could s�ll be diffe-       I resist seeing only nega�ve things in another!
        rent from what I think should become a con-            Everyone must ask themselves self-cri�cally
        stant, everyday ques�on.                               why they tend to see mainly nega�ve traits.
                                                               Have I myself been cri�cised a lot?
        Then we extend four "antennas of percep�on":           Do I need the nega�ve view of others to enhan-
                                                               ce myself?
           Why "antennae"?
           The metaphor "antenna" clarifies for me:            The truth is: Everyone has something! Some-
           - I receive something, but it is 1:1 with what was sent out
           at the transmi�er. There are transmission and recep�on  thing they can do, something someone else
           interferences.                                      needs, something someone else finds beau�-
           - I have to convert linguis�c "electromagne�c waves".  ful.
           - And I can have several antennas.
                                                               Discover the other person's gi�s and encourage
                                                               them to give them, that is, to apply them.
        1. The apprecia�ve antenna                             But I will always have my own glasses on that
        Every human being has a high value in God's            define what I see as a gi�.
        eyes! He is a creature of God. God was willing         If I don't discover anything then, it will be be-
        to give Himself for him.                               cause of my glasses. It will be difficult to disco-
        We can learn to look at people in the same way         ver gi�s outside of my preconcep�ons of gi�s.
        as we normally look at something very valua-
        ble, e.g. a beau�ful flower or a precious picture.     But to be convinced that they exist "anyway"
        Look up to your neighbour once again!                  should be a goal for everyone.
        "Your value is not only dependent on your per-         And if I have this convic�on in my heart, it will
        formance, what you have or can do, or what re-         help influence my rela�onships.
        la�onships you have."

                                                               3. The flaw antenna
        But what do I do if I don't discover anything that     Every human being has weaknesses and faults -
        appears valuable in my eyes? Perhaps I should          as an expression of this fallen crea�on.
        first check my standards of value and where            The other person's faults and weaknesses
        they come from.
                                                               should not deter us from trus�ng them!

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