Page 46 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 46

Emo�onal Recovery and Interven�on

        in Adversity: Low-intensity bilateral
        movement exercises for small groups

        in Chris�an se�ngs

        This is a report on a pilot project that were
        done in the US (English) and in Brazil (Portugue-
        se) in Chris�an se�ngs online where three
        group exercises were taken and adapted from
        tradi�onal EMDR (Eye Movement Desensi�za�-
        on and Reprocessing) protocols for use in para-
        professional and pastoral se�ngs.                         Esly Carvalho (Brazil)
                                                                  Ph.D., T.E.P. TraumaClinic
        Background                                                She is an experienced Trainer of Trai-
        As a trained group therapist and psychodrama-             ners in EMDR therapy, as well as a Psy-
        �st/trainer, who eventually went on to become             chodrama trainer. An author and inter-
        an EMDR therapy trainer, the greatest draw-               na�onal speaker, she has spent her life
        back of the la�er approach was its limita�ons             working in La�n America and Brazil,
        for group therapy. Over �me, EMDR groups                  training in three languages, in both pas-
        protocols were finally developed to mul�ply               toral as well as clinical se�ngs. She has
        the reach of the healing process to a greater             wri�en books available on Amazon. Esly
        number of people. The first of these was the In-          is married to a re�red missionary, has
        tegra�ve Group Trauma Protocol (Jarero: 2009)             an adult married daughter who is also a
        which came about as the result of Hurricane               clinical psychologist and trainer in her
        Paulina in Mexico, and the large number of                own right, and loves those grandchild-
        people needed emo�onal interven�ons. An in-               ren!!
        dividual interven�on format was not feasible    
        because of the large number of people, the re-
        duced number of days in which the EMDR the-     
        rapists would be present and available, and the           www.traumaclinicinterna�
        locale of the disaster.
        A form of bilateral s�mula�on was developed
        which was named the Bu�erfly Hug (Ar�gas et
        al: 2014). It was used in a group se�ng, with
        the par�cipants drawing in quadrants on paper          by Esly Carvalho as a resource installa�on for
        about their experience. Further research and           EMDR therapy. More recently, it has been used
        studies proved that it was useful and safe in          successfully with groups online.
        group and has been implemented around the              A third exercise that was adapted to online
        world in disasters and crisis situa�ons. It was        group interven�on is the Flash Technique, de-
        also adapted for paraprofessionals (Jarero et          veloped by Phil Manfield, Ph.D., (Manfield et al:
        al:2015) and likewise was proven safe as well.         2017) as a desensi�za�on tool for memories
        Another exercise developed by Dr. Carlos Rai-          that might be too overwhelming to work
        mundo is called the Pillars of Life. It is a celebra-  through with the tradi�onal EMDR protocol.
        �on of the posi�ve experiences in our lives,           Perhaps its most interes�ng aspect is that peo-
        those that have gone well. So o�en counselors          ple’s memories lose their high emo�onal char-
        and therapists tend to focus on what is dysfunc-       ge without having to think about the painful is-
        �onal, but Raimundo postulates the importan-           sue they are working on. This brought in a grea-
        ce of giving importance to those experiences           ter safety net when Esly Carvalho developed it
        that will bring beauty, love, and encourage-           for group se�ngs online (2020) when the CO-
        ment into our lives. This exercise was adapted         VID-19 pandemic began.

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