Page 43 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 43

An interview with Eric L. Johnson

        about his research program on the

        heart as a psychological construct

        Eric, You started a research project about the
        subject of the heart. Please tell us why this to-
        pic became so important to you and for a
        Chris�an Psychology?

        To begin with, the Bible uses a variety of psy-
        chological terms (like “soul” and “spirit”), but
        the most common one is “heart.” It’s used over
        800 �mes in the Old Testament (leb and lebab
        in Hebrew) and over 200 �mes in the New (kar-
        dia in Greek). We’re encouraged, for example,
        to “pour out our hearts like water before the
        Lord” (Lam 2:19). God says that in the new co-                Eric L. Johnson (USA)
        venant he will give he people a “new heart” (Ez               PhD, is Professor of Chris�an
        36:26), and he will write his law on their hearts             Psychology and Asst Director of
        (Jer 31:33). And now in the new covenant, we                  Public Outreach & Scholarship at
        learn that “God’s love has poured into our                    the Gideon Ins�tute of Chris�an
        hearts through the Holy Spirit” (Ro 5:8) and                  Psychology & Counseling at Hous-
        “God has shone in our hearts the light of the                 ton Bap�st University.
        knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Je-              h�ps://
        sus Christ” (2Co 4:4). Such teachings are inva-               In addi�on to more than 50 ar�cles
        luable for a Chris�an psychology!                             in peer-reviewed journals, he edi-
                                                                      ted “Psychology and Chris�anity:

        In addi�on, the “heart” was recognized as a                   Five Views”, and was a co-editor of
        highly significant psychological concept by                   “Evidence-Based Prac�ces for
        some of the great Chris�an psychologists in the               Chris�an Counseling & Psychothe-
        history of the church. We’re all familiar with Au-            rapy” and “Marriage: Its Founda�-
        gus�ne’s observa�on, early in his Confessions,                on, Theology, and Mission in a
        that “the heart is restless un�l it finds is rest in          Changing World” and has wri�en
        you, oh Lord;” and Pascal’s great insight that                “Founda�ons for Soul Care: A
        “the heart has reasons that reasons does not                  Chris�an Psychology Proposal”
        know.” Or Pascal again, “It is the heart which ex-            and “God and Soul Care: The The-
        periences God, and not the reason. This, then,                rapeu�c Resources of the Chris�an
        is faith: God felt by the heart, not by the rea-              Faith”, basic textbooks in Chris�an
        son.” Max Scheler wrote, “Where [one’s] 'heart'               psychology. He was the founding
        is a�ached, there, for him, is the 'core' of the              director of the Society for Chris�an
        so-called essence of things.ˮ Finally, the Chris�-            Psychology and has been doing
        an philosophical psychologist, Robert Roberts,                pastoral counseling weekly for over
        defined the heart as “your inward self, your                  20 years. He’s married to
        personality, your ‘actual you;’ and what you tre-             Rebekah, and they have two child-
        asure—what is important to you, what is im-                   ren, Laura and Iain, and three
        portant to you, what you are centrally a�ached                grandchildren: Cash, Jedi, and Se-
        to—determines what that self is like.” These                  raphina.
        few statements, I think, indicate just how valua-
        ble a concept the 'heart' is for psychology.

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