Page 41 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 41

My clinical work has the added benefit of en-          other commitments to maintain be�er balan-
        couraging my con�nued growth and develop-              ce. Being a husband and father, and now grand-
        ment as a person. It is not unusual to see things      father is incredibly important. Careers are im-
        in clients that reminds me of areas in my own          portant, but they pale in comparison to being
        life that need further a�en�on. Many professi-         in rela�onship with the people we love.
        ons don’t necessarily point these things out:
        Clinical work does. As a therapist, the quality of     What are your dreams for the future?
        my work is related to my own growth as a per-
        son.                                                   At this point in my career, I want to finish
                                                               strong. I want to be at a point where God can
                                                               say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Ho-
        I see your life is full of many interes�ng tasks.      wever, more immediately, I would like to take
        You also have a family. Does this create               �me to write. Working two careers has not pro-
        stress?                                                vided the opportunity to write. I have things I
                                                               want say to the larger Chris�an community.
        I have passion for living life and doing many          Personally, I want to engage in more travel. Life
        things and this can some�mes result in pro-            is a precious gi� and I want to live it to the full.
        blems I create. I am married and have four
        children. They are all grown now and I am a
        grandfather. Two of my children have followed
        in my steps. My daughter is in clinical private        Former Interviews with a Chris�an Psycholo-
        prac�ce and I have a son who is in graduate            gist: „Why would you call yourself a Chris�an
        school to also become a therapist. Making �me          psychologist?“
        for all the areas of life can be stressful. I wish I
        could say that I have always done a good job of        Päivimaria Kuivamäki (Finland)
        balance, but I have not. I have made errors in         h�ps://
        this, especially when my focus strays from God
        being the center. I have learned to say “no” to        Olena Yaremko (Ukraine / Germany)
        some opportuni�es and have had to reduce               h�ps://

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