Page 38 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 38

“Why would you call yourself a

        Chris�an psychologist?”

        Ques�ons to Steven L. Voss

        How did you come to study psychology?

        I grew up on a farm in the Midwest of the Uni-
        ted States. I was a first-genera�on college stu-
        dent as neither of my parents had gone to col-
        lege. I was not sure I wanted to go to college
        but approximately two years a�er I graduated
        high school the Lord worked in my life to follow
        him by going to a two-year Bible college to stu-
        dy the Bible. I was thinking about missions or                       Steven Voss (USA)
        educa�on at the �me. Through my interac�ons                          is a psychology pro-
        with a friend who was receiving counseling, I                        fessor and licensed
        began to think about counseling and psycho-                          psychotherapist. He
        logy as a way to minister to people. Prior to                        teaches at Hannibal-
        that, I was unfamiliar with psychology and I had                     LaGrange University
        never known anyone who received counseling.                          in Hannibal, Missouri,
        The thought had been planted. When I transfer-                       USA.
        red to a four-year college to earn my Bachelor’s                     Dr. Voss has research
        Degree, I changed my focus. I became a double                        interests in a�ach-
        major in psychology and philosophy/religion.                         ment theory, the psy-
                                                                             chology of religion,
        What was the focus of your study study/trai-                         and the integra�on of
        ning? Did you get any results that you would                         psychology and theo-
        especially like to emphasize?                                        logy. He maintains a
                                                                             private prac�ce and
        My focus at the bachelor’s level was general                         sees clients weekly.
        psychology (Buena Vista University). However,                        When not working, he
        because I had a lot of Bible, religion, and philo-                   enjoys wilderness ad-
        sophy courses, I was immediately drawn to the                        venture, travel, and
        idea of understanding psychology through the                         spending �me with fa-
        lens of the scripture. My educa�on in psycho-                        mily.
        logy, though at the bachelor’s and master’s le-
        vel was secular, was carefully analyzed through            
        the truth of the Bible. This was in a day when                       Former     contribu�on
        the integra�on movement was growing in po-                           in our eJournal by Ste-
        pularity and strength. I read material by Gary                       ven you can see her:
        Collins, Clyde Narramore, and an early book by                       h�ps://emcapp.ignis
        Larry Crabb. These, and other authors ignited                        .de/14/#p=13
        my passion for both psychology and Chris�an                          h�ps://emcapp.ignis
        truth. Another important author that influ-                          .de/15/#p=13
        enced my early educa�on was Arthur Holmes
        who spoke of all truth coming from God. Thus,
        understanding psychology through biblical
        truth was a passion of mine very early on.

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