Page 35 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 18
P. 35
work hard at modeling healthy transparency comes to those who worship God "in Spirit and
with our kids, accep�ng blame for our faults, truth” (John 4:24). Corporate worship can be
and teaching by example our belief that the profoundly therapeu�c when it centers on the
Lord is gracious and merciful. Since secondary person and work of Christ with clear and
or developmental shame arises in the context specific applica�on for all who are struggling
of rela�onship, we strive to create an with personal failings, rela�onal wounds, and
environment of openness and approachability feelings of isola�on/abandonment. Pastors
in age-appropriate ways. Shame only worsens who seek the right balance of the objec�ve and
the longer it remains hidden. So, we especially subjec�ve aims of worship will endeavor to
want our kids to know that life goes be�er keep the focus on Christ and the truthfulness of
when we "talk it out.” the Scriptures while simultaneously finding
ways to encourage believers to appropriate
Werner: Now a ques�on for you as a pastor. those truths for personal and communal
What do you mean, what role shame plays transforma�on. The result can be, in a word,
during the church service? heavenly!
Jonathan: What a great ques�on! I think most Werner: Thank you very much, Jonathan, and
pastors underes�mate how shame adversely for the possibility too to publish your
influences the individual worshipper. And so contribu�on here now.
they fail to see how much freedom and healing