Page 22 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 22

I appreciate the idea, that if God chooses to     Remarkable for me was the idea, that not only
             name himself ‘father’, he not (only) reflects a   the offer of more ‘male’ activities could make
             patriarchal environment (perhaps to be un-        the church more attractive for men but also a
             derstood  by  the  humans)  but  He  wants  to    more profiled (less soft) approach to the biblical
             stress that fathers are important for the faith   truth.
             development of their children.                    For me there is a still easier approach to those
                                                               topic than ‘Attachment theory’ or ‘Object relati-
             Apparently  Paul  has  understood  this  well     on theory’: I adapted the psychoanalytical me-
             when he shows himself as a spiritual father to    chanism of ‘transferance’ to the theory of for-
             the Corinthians.                                  giveness and cam to the conclusion that unfor-
                                                               giveness leads to - mostly unconscious – trans-
             But even the ‘motherly’ component we find in      ference and reenactment, here: The guilt of the
             the Bible: “As one whom his mother comforts,      father shows itself in the child via unconscious
             so will I comfort you;” (Isa66,13a KJ). And       expectations about (non)relationship with ‘fa-
             Paul – often misunderstood as misogynous –        therfigurs’ including God-father.
             herein is not inferior to God, if he speaks to    On the other hand I am thankful, that as a male
             the Galatians: “My little children, of whom I     therapist, who works much with man, I can fo-
             travail in birth again until Christ be formed in   ster growing up spiritual fathers by forgiveness-
             you!” (Gal4,19 KJ)                                work including a piece of “fathering” the male

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