Page 133 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 133

I wandered through the corridors of the centre,   blick Urvertrauen, ich dagegen kämpfte.
             wondering what I might expect there and why
             I had made the mistake of going there at all etc.   Es war wohl nicht zu sehr der fremde Ort dort,
             I was occupied with attempts to calm my inner     stellte ich jetzt im Nachhinein fest, denn in all
             unrest and fears and to reassure myself. A new    den Jahren habe ich viele fremde Orte auf der
             unfamiliar  situation  had  presented  a  challen-  Welt ohne Probleme aufgesucht, sondern mehr
             ge to my basic trust. In addition, I was due to   die neuen Herausforderungen, die ich in dieser
             be interviewed on radio, again something with     Konferenz auf mich zukommen gesehen habe.
             which I was not yet very familiar.
             Suddenly another man came up to me, an Ame-       Aber die Worte dieses Mannes erinnerten mich
             rican guest speaker, and called out to me spon-   an  meine  Gott  Verbundenheit,  an  den  guten
             taneously, “Isn’t it a beautiful thing to be in the   Hirten, der immer bei mir ist. Die große Ermu-
             presence of the Lord?” And he said this with joy   tigung, sich Herausforderungen zu stellen! Und
             and approached me with great openness. Within     diese  Worte  ließen  mich  aufatmen  und  mich
             myself, however, I was thinking that it was all   wieder die anderen Menschen und die Konfe-
             very well for him to be speak. In that moment,    renz aufsuchen.
             this American was surely demonstrating basic
             trust, while I was involved in a struggle.

             This  was  not  so  much  due  to  the  unfamiliar
             place there, I worked out in retrospect, for over
             many years I have visited many unknown places
             throughout  the  world  without  any  problems;
             rather, it must been the new challenges that I
             could see I would be facing at this conference.

             But this man’s words reminded me of my con-
             nection to God, to the Good Shepherd who is
             always with me – a great encouragement to face
             the challenges! And these words caused me to
             breathe more easily and go back and seek the
             company of the other participants and the con-

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