Page 113 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
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concerns for the entire Christian missionary services for those struggling with attachment
endeavor from sending churches, agencies, -related distress. As Carter (1999) has high-
missionaries, as well as the host country (See lighted, member care plays a crucial role in the
Gardner, 1987; Taylor, 1997). It is reasonable to personal adjustment and ministry effectiveness
speculate that the successful candidates have se- of missionaries. Member care is integral in both
cure attachment styles, perceive less stress, and pre-field and ongoing training in providing pa-
have strong pro-social skills with healthy emo- storal care and support, in team development,
tional regulation and interpersonal functio- in personal or group counseling, in preventative
ning. On the other hand, it is also possible that and remedial medical care and in crises inter-
missionaries who are vulnerable to premature vention (Carter, 1999). Targeted interventions
attrition have anxious or insecure attachment designed to increase attachment security have
styles. For example, those who reported greater beneficial effects on mental health, prosocial
interpersonal difficulty may have anxious or in- behavior, and intergroup relations (Mikulin-
secure attachment schemas resulting in a higher cer & Shaver, 2007). Furthermore, leaders can
perception of stress and maladaptive patterns of identify their own attachment style and make
coping, inadequate emotional regulation and adjustments working with others. Foulkes-Bert
compromised interpersonal relationships. Ho- et al. (2019) suggests engaging in activities that
wever these assumptions need to be interpreted improve both adult and God attachment may
with caution as overall attachment schemas are be an important part of leadership develop-
complex and there are a variety of neural, phy- ment. Churches, member care advocates, mis-
siological, and psychological systems under- sionaries and team leaders can all seek to boost
lying attachment behaviors (Cassidy & Shaver, the God attachment security and work toward
2008). an earned secure attachment which may result
Practical Considerations in improved adjustment and lead to healthy and
Churches and sending agencies must consider a fruitful cross-cultural service.
variety of constructs when selecting candidates In conclusion, as we explore the myriad of ways
for cross -cultural work. In the missions context, attachment style can influence acculturation
a wide array of profiles exist for screening and and the on-going adjustment of cross-cultural
candidate selection. There are a number of ex- workers, the knowledge gleaned, and applicati-
cellent psychological profiles, personality tests, ons thereof, can inform both workers and those
strength -based assessment tools and all have all who support them, to strive towards a healthy
been instrumental in screening for appropriate and fruitful cross-cultural assignment.
candidate selection. That being said, while not
a panacea, attachment style may serve as one
more area to explore considering the multiple References
ways these early attachment styles can impact Due to space limitations this is only a partial list of refe-
functioning in adaptation to cross-cultural work rences. A full list is available at this link or by writing to
and across the lifespan of a missionary career. the author at:
Identifying attachment style in candidates for Befus, C. (2018). Sojourners workbook: A guide to thri-
cross -cultural service may help identify areas ving cross-culturally. Orlando, FL:
needing additional attention and may even mi- Bottomline Media.
tigate future problems. The assessment of these Carter, J. (1999). Missionary stressors and implications
constructs and how they do or do not inter- for care. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 27(2), 171-
relate may be considered in not only pre-field Cassidy, J., & Shaver, P. R. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of at-
assessments, but in ministry placement, level tachment, theory research and clinical applications (2nd
of support needed, or the provision of specific ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
interventions to address perception of stress or Cerny II, L. J., Smith, D. S., Ritchard, H., & Dodd, C.H.,
spiritual coping or to boost attachment security. (2007). The CSAI: An expatriate on- field adjustment in-
dex to measure intercultural intelligence. A presentation
Member care advocates can provide additional to the annual conference of families in global transition.