Page 117 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 117

Eun Young Cindy Kim                                  Eun  Young  Cin-
             (Republic of Korea)                                  dy  Kim  is  from

             Comment to                                           a  harbor  city  in
             “Attachment Style and                                Her  educational
                                                                  background  in-
             the Acculturation                                    cludes  in  MA  in

             Process of Cross-Cultural                            Counseling  Mi-
                                                                  nistries  (Trinity
             Workers“                                             Evangelical  Divi-
                                                                  nity  School,  IL),
                                                                  MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology (Rose-
             Missionaries  and  cross-cultural  workers  go       mead School of Psychology, CA). While she
             through the acculturation process with multiple      lived  and  studied  in  the  United  States  for
             stressors (Dodd, 1997). Since the missionaries       eight years, she worked and did practicum at
             face new environment (e.g., language, culture,       Biola University Counseling Center, La Ha-
             home, etc.) missionaries may show their attach-      bra School District and one-year internship
             ment  styles  more  clearly  in  the  mission  field.   at Temple University Tuttleman Counseling
             The author of this study explained of the relati-    Center. Currently Eun Young lives in South
             onship between attachment styles and accultu-        Korea  with  her  husband  Binny.  There  she
             ration process in detail.                            teaches clinical psychology courses at Kyun-
             The researcher addressed that the early attach-      gil University. In addition, she served three
             ment can have an effect on future relationships,     years with a Mission Organization, Operati-
             emotional functioning (Bretherton, 1992), ways       on Mobilization (M.V. Doulos) and two years
             of  coping  (Brennan,  Clark,  &  Shaver,  1995),    at  Mongolia  International  University  as  a
             perception of stress (Kemp & Neimeyer, 1999),        missionary.
             and emotion regulation (Wei, Vogel, Ku, & Za-
             kalik, 2005). The attachment styles impact on     References
             missionaries’ lives in significant ways. Especial-  Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L., & Shaver, P. R. (1998). Self-
             ly when missionaries have insecure attachment     report measurement of adult romantic
             style, their future relationship will not be secure   attachment: An integrative overview. In J. A. Simpson &
             with local people, other missionaries, and even   W. S. Rholes (Eds.), Attachment
                                                               theory  and  close  relationships  (pp.  46–76).  New  York:
             with God. In the mission field, their emotional   Guilford Press.
             functioning will be in danger; their lack of co-  Bretherton, I. (1992). The origins of attachment theory:
             ping strategies will cause problems; they will be   John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth.
             overwhelmed with stress; poor emotion regu-       Developmental psychology, 28(5), 759.
             lation and could lead to problems such as sub-    Dodd, D. S. (1997). Missionary family life: Resources and
                                                               strategies for dealing with stress. Dissertation Abstracts
             stance abuse (Schindler, 2019).                   International, 58(09), 5112B. (UMI No.9810885)
             Flores (2004) claimed that addiction is an at-    Flores, P. J. (2004). Addiction as an attachment disorder.
             tachment disorder. If the missionary with inse-   New York: Jason Aronson.
             cure attachment style face lots of acculturation   Kemp,  M.  A.,  &  Neimeyer,  G.  J.  (1999).  Interpersonal
             stress, the missionaries will have poor emotio-   attachment:  Experiencing,  expressing,  and  coping  with
                                                               stress. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46(3), 388.
             nal regulation functioning and easily indulge in   Schindler,  A.  (2019).  Attachment  and  Substance  Use
             addictions (internet, gaming, gambling, porno-    Disorders—Theoretical  Models,  Empirical  Evidence,
             graphy, etc.).                                    and  Implications  for  Treatment.  Frontiers  in  Psychi-
                                                               atry,   10.
             As the author of study suggests, identifying at-  fpsyt.2019.00727
             tachment styles through missionary’s selection    Wei, M., Vogel, D. L., Ku, T. Y., & Zakalik, R. A. (2005).
                                                               Adult attachment, affect regulation, negative mood, and
             and  screening  will  be  important  to  prevent   interpersonal problems: The mediating roles of emotio-
             attrition and future problems and lead to suc-    nal reactivity and emotional cutoff. Journal of counseling
             cessful missionary service for God‘s kingdom.     psychology, 52(1), 14-24.
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