Page 67 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 67
ment. This seems to resonate well with traditio- to judge what God can do, or may already be
nal substantive views of the imago Dei although doing, within that person’s telos?
I am not here suggesting that understanding Some of us will not move eternally on a telos
was the intended meaning of the imago terms that realizes that image. But this side of the es-
in Genesis 1 simpliciter. chaton, what human can separate the wheat
Still, humans are not just enduring spirits who from the tares without risking throwing out the
are coincidentally embodied. As Biblical theo- wheat? It is an act of sinful hubris for Christians
logy and contemporary neuroscience have both to think themselves superior to others in rea-
argued, our conscious mental life is constituted, lizing the image or likeness of God or to view
constrained and made possible to a substantial others as hopelessly having lost the imago Dei
degree by our embodied condition. Our embo- because a particular subset of characteristics
died cognition works in such a way that we are that we have focused on appear lacking. There
unavoidably in relationship to others. We “walk is no warrant for us to make such judgments. By
in others’ shoes” mentally and emotionally to abiding in the life of the Spirit, God has provided
some degree just by observing them. We form the way for the redeemed to be conformed into
our self-understanding and acquire competen- His image. To encounter Jesus in the Gospels
cies in the world by imitating others. Thus, as is to be confronted with just how many areas
constituted, humans are inherently relational that implicates for our needed transformation.
beings. The telos of the embodied Christian this side of
Still humans are not just enduring spirits who in the intermediate and resurrected state is to live
their embodied constitutions are also relational in the body of Christ in a unified community
beings. We were created to represent a supre- realizing the divine image to a sufficient degree
mely relational and morally perfect being. We so that the world may know the Father sent the
serve this function of being God’s icon before Son (John 17:21).
a watching world now with various degrees of
realization, as the indwelling Spirit bears fruit References
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