Page 62 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 62

both Jones and C-Jones have the same functio-     same  person  to  survive  death  through  resur-
             nal  properties.  Would  such  an  understanding   rection. The intuitive option that seems ready
             of personal identity not commit us to asserting   made to be this something more is that humans
             that both could be the very same person at least   must have an essential component responsible
             at the moment of the creation of C-Jones? It is   for their identity over time that endures beyond
             beyond the scope this present work to flesh out   death.
             the problems that arise for moral responsibility   Physicalist  critiques  of  dualism  have  often
             and agency from a model of personal identity      charged that it fails to appreciate the substanti-
             that  allows  two  distinct  individuals  to  be  the   al developments in neuroscience and embodi-
             same person. I will herein state only that I think   ment theory that demonstrate how constituted
             any theory of personal identity that allows two   and conditioned our minds are by our bodies
             distinct individuals to be share the same iden-   (Varela, Thompson, & Rosch, 2017). Yet, there
             tity likely functions as a reductio ad absurdum   are key features of our existence that this remar-
             for such a model of personal identity.            kable body of work leaves unexplained. David
             The non-reductive physicalists problem of per-    Chalmers (1995a) referred the explanatory gap
             sonal  identity  noted  above  presents  similar   for physicalism as the hard problems of cons-
             challenges for the Christian doctrine of resur-   ciousness.  The  more  we  discover  about  the
             rection.  Consider  what  happens  when  Jones    brain and mind, he observed, the more it seems
             dies. Let us assume that a person is resurrected   clear that we are no closer to answering the hard
             who  believes  themselves  the  same  Jones  that   problems of consciousness than before the age
             had  once  been  cloned.  Jones  appears  to  have   of neuroscience. Chalmers (1995b) explained:
             an body that nevertheless seems like the body     ““The  really  hard  problem  of  consciousness
             possessed prior to death apart from some mi-      is the problem of experience. When we think
             raculous upgrades. Further assume that the re-    and  perceive,  there  is  a  whir  of  information-
             surrection occurred some many centuries after     processing, but there is also a subjective aspect.
             the death and the prior body had long sense de-   ...there is something it is like to be a conscious
             cayed. The matter from the decayed body had       organism. This subjective aspect is experience.
             long since reentered the biosphere and in the     …”
             course of the life cycle been a part of the bodies   This “subjective aspect” of experience refers to
             of multiple organisms, including some people      various  introspective  observations  that  resist
             who are also now being resurrected. Thus, re-     naturalistic  reduction  including:  the  unity  of
             surrection could not be simply reanimation of     experience,  the  subjective  experience  of  what
             the same physical system that constituted Jones’   is like to have an experience of something (i.e.,
             body  while  alive.  Yet,  if  the  resurrected  body   qualia),  or  even  the  experience  of  conscious
             is merely a replica of the pre-death body that    awareness itself. Neuroscience has made great
             Jones remembers having, how would it be the       strides in informing us about how the contents
             same „person“ in resurrection as the one who      of consciousness can be populated and shaped
             existed  previously?  Let’s  suppose  resurrected   by our bodily processes and structures and in
             Jones thinks they are the same Jones that existed   identifying  neural  correlates  of  conscious  ex-
             pre-eschaton because of a continuity of memo-     perience.  Recently,  network  neuroscience  has
             ry, relationship, moral self-understanding, and   been  offering  increasing  promise  at  decoding
             spiritual inclinations, in a physically recogniz-  the  modular  structure  of  entire  cognitive  sy-
             able body. How would resurrected Jones be the     stems and detecting their brain correlates (Ber-
             same  Jones  that  had  died  any  more  than  the   tolero  et  al.,  2018).  But  none  of  this  explains
             physically indiscernible pair created by cloning   how  our  subjective  and  holistic  awareness  of
             are the same person?                              that bodily input comes about.
             Such thought experiments have left me convin-       Consider  visual  recognition  of  a  person.  We
             ced  that  there  must  be  something  more  than   know light is transduced into neural impulses
             merely a bundle or memories, narrative states,    and  we  know  something  about  how  different
             reanimated bodies, or duplicated bodies for the   regions of the visual cortex differentially contri-

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