Page 70 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 70
Comment to
“The Imago Dei Roland Mahler,
Dr., Theologist,
Embodied Cognition” Psychologist
MSc, Psycho-
therapist SPV,
by Roland Mahler (Switzerland)
was the Direc-
tor of the Insti-
The author starts out giving an overview of cur- tute of Christi-
rent historical and actual imago Dei concepts an Psychology,
which show mainly three different aspects of Psychotherapy
understanding: The substantive or structural and Educati- on, Switzerland, www.
approach which focusses on man’s individual He is the author of “Gewissen und
constitution as a soul-gifted being an as such Gewissensbildung” in der Psychotherapie
(for Augustine) reflecting the holy trinity in his (Conscience and Forming of Conscience in
ability to remember (memory), to think (in- Psychotherapie), 2009 and of “Christliche
tellect) and to want (volition), the functional Soziale Arbeit – Menschenbild, Spiritua-
understanding as the prerogative of man’s role lität, Methoden (Christian Social Work -
in creation as god’s agent and caretaker of the Human Image, Spirituality, Methods), 2018
world and as a third aspect the relational view . From 1986 – 1998 he directed the thera-
of man being the image of God in his social be- peutic center Best Hope.
havior. All of these conceptions offer enough
possibilities for a critical offence (i.e. all of these Former articles by Roland you can see here:
imago Dei based human attributes can be ab-
used – and they were abused!). Although they
were and still are well established in christian
history of theology.
Beside the three main aspects in understanding rious attempts like the one of Hoekema.
the imago Dei-theologoumenon of christian The next unit of the Hathaway’s text deals with
anthropology there are other positions to consi- anthropological ontologies as found in chri-
der. Hathaway mentions the «non-attributional stian theology (trichotomism, dualism and
view» of McKirkland (meaning that imago Dei monism). He refers to Churchhouse who says
is just a chiffre for man’s meaningful reflection that image Dei studies and human constitu-
on God) and Peterson’s identity concept which tion are distinct anthroplogical areas. So one
defines imago Dei as the unique identity given should not mingle the two in order to keep a
to man by his creator. Both of these positions clear view on the constitutional question: What
(as a critical proposition of Hathaway) seem to is humanity? Is it mental or is it physical and is
represent a kind of functionalist understanding: there any difference at all between these areas?
Man is creation’s conscience regarding and re- Classical dualism has lost acceptance since ma-
flecting the creator. But what makes them inte- terialistic science has taken over to explain the
resting is their focus on man’s potential. To be world. Though this tendency to a reductive na-
the image of God is a potential to be realized by turalism has grown over the decades there still
human development. are various defenses of dualistic aspects in a ho-
listic view in anthropological philosophy and
Eclectic views that try to combine aspects of all theology.
understandings cannot rely on a better result
than any single position, because the the faults One crucial question (also discussed by Hatha-
of this one will not necessarily be amended by way) is : What makes one human individual or
the other. That’s what Hathaway rebukes to va-