Page 63 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 63

bute to aspects of our experience such as facial   ments, it would do this whether the monitor was
             recognition, name recognition, or distance per-   on or not. Consequently, the mere observation
             ception. We know something about how speech       of self-regulatory behavior in any system does
             is transduced and then the resulting neural im-   not  prove  intentionality  or  awareness.  All  cy-
             pulses are routed to different brain areas resul-  bernetic systems have reciprocal self-response
             ted in discrete aspects of auditory perception.   capabilities, whether they are living organisms
             Yet it is not clear how all of these discrete activa-  or  mechanical  devices.  A  simple  thermostat
             tions are ever reunited into a molar gestalt field   functions cybernetically in this way. It monitors
             that is one integrated consciousness including    temperature and if the air temperature deviates
             speech,  sound,  meaning,  narrative  location,   from a set point it will trigger a heater to turn
             etc. This is known as the “binding problem”. It   on or off as needed to maintain the temperature.
             is as if the body is equipped to break the world   But few would suggest such mechanical devices
             down into a neural code in an analogous way       are aware of their cybernetic processes or states
             to how a web camera converts photo-acoustic       simply because of this reciprocal self-response
             energy into digital information. But in the case   loop. How would there be anyone home in such
             of the brain, there does not seem to be a moni-   a device?
             tor connected to the systems. There is no clear   Searle‘s (1980) Chinese room thought experi-
             structure  or  connected  process  that  is  home   ment challenges the notion that artificially in-
             to a unified and re-integrated field that just is   telligent systems could ever be truly conscious.
             our wholistic, unified perception. We can and     In  this  thought  experiment,  a  person  works
             have  used  computer  programs  and  imaging      in a windowless room with the job of writing
             technology to begin to reconstruct the brain’s    Chinese characters on output cards in response
             code and allow us to see on a computer screen     to Chinese characters on input cards received
             what the person is perceiving. But as of yet, how   through a slot. The person in the room does not
             the brain itself does this full reconstruction to   understand any of the Chinese characters but
             produce a holistic, unified phenomenal field re-  has a rule book so well designed that it shows
             mains as mysterious as ever. There simply does    what characters to write for any particular input
             not appear to be a brain network or system that   sequence. If the rulebook was so well develo-
             accomplishes  the  full  binding  job  required  to   ped that the output convinced the Chinese re-
             explain the „consciousness screen“ self-evident   cipient that their meaning was understood and
             to human perceivers.                              meaningful responses were given, the characters
             Even if a consciousness screen were to be iden-   received or written would still have no meaning
             tified in the brain it is not at all clear that we   for  the  person  inside  the  box.  The  person  in
             would be closer to explaining the hard problem    the room would only be following syntactical-
             of consciousness. We would still need to show     structural rules and what they perceived as the
             how  having  a  conscious  screen  explains  the   inputs  or  the  outputs  during  the  transaction
             first-person awareness we experience. Whence      would be devoid of semantic meaning for them.
             arises the conscious screener? -a person who is   Searle claims this illustrates what happens with
             consciously aware of the phenomenal field pre-    AI‘s and thus suggests that no matter how so-
             sent  in  the  screen.  The  situation  is  analogous   phisticated their programming they will never
             to a computer monitor playing a reconstructed     have subjective meaning in their operations.
             image from signals sent to it by the computer     Scholars such as Chalmers (2016) and Nagels
             with a camera attached while no one is there to   (2012) have given up hope that the hard pro-
             watch it. It is irrelevant for this problem if the   blems of consciousness can be solved through
             computer is doing something with the informa-     reductive naturalism. In Chalmer’s (2016) case,
             tion it receives from a camera or other type of   he has increasingly defended a form of panpsy-
             input  device.  If  the  computer  was  programed   chism: “the thesis that some fundamental phy-
             to run various operations such as making one‘s    sical entities are conscious: that is, that there is
             breakfast by a certain time of day utilizing en-  something it is like to be a quark or a photon or
             vironmental input sensors and robotic attach-     a member of some other fundamental physical

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