Page 68 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 12
P. 68
Fernando Garzon (USA)
Comment to
“Identity as the Father’s
beloved: Functioning from
rest amidst pressure“
A Researcher’s Perspective
Ulla Dahlen reminds us to base our lives on our
identity as beloved children of God instead of
living out of a false self enslaved to fear, perfor- Dr. Fernando Garzon is a licensed psy-
mance-based approval (from God and others), chologist, ordained minister, and clinical
and methods of self-protection. The deceiver outcomes-based researcher. He received
and society-at-large attempt an “identity theft” his Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from
to mar our attachment to God. As a clinician Fuller Seminary. Dr. Garzon’s research
and outcomes-based researcher, I was particu- and writings focus on building an em-
larly drawn to the strategies Dr. Dahlen sugge- pirical base for Christian-adapted pro-
sted to walk through this transition from false tocols in clinical practice, multicultural
self to authentic, beloved child of God living. I issues, Christian worldview pedagogy,
will briefly comment on clinical and empirical and researching lay Christian counseling
aspects of some of his intervention strategies approaches in the church environment.
His clinical experience encompasses out-
and suggest further exploration in another area. patient practice, managed care, hospital,
The idea of creating a table comparing earth- pastoral care, and church settings.
ly caregivers’ characteristics with our heavenly
Father’s based on Scripture and Jesus’ modeling
was intriguing. Dahlen proposes that focusing
on God’s true characteristics over time could involved in present moment-focused mindful-
lead to “a new, more secure attachment with ness from a distinctively Christian worldview
God.” I agree and would add that often Chri- in randomized comparative studies (Ford &
stian clients have limited knowledge of God’s Garzon, 2017). The point here is that Christian
word to do this analysis so a Christian thera- spiritual formation practices are beginning to
pist, pastoral counselor, or spiritual director as- find scientific support that could lead eventual-
sisting with this process could be very helpful. ly to more wide-spread use in the mental health
Dahlen embedded contemplative prayer prac- field. As research continues, Dahlen’s suggesti-
tices throughout his article to address the ons may grow in their validity. Another area
stress-filled life. For example, he discussed also merits exploration.
the importance of daily consecration, “leaving
space between activities”, and “learning to live Severe trauma intertwines with religious
in the present moment”. Knabb and colleagues struggles in many individuals (Stauner et al.,
(2018) propose a model to address worry and 2018). While evidence-based treatments of
rumination, which are common components trauma exist, sophisticated models to address
of a stress-filled performance-based life. The the God attachment issues emerging from the-
model rests on cultivating humble detachment se issues are still developing. In short, Dahlen
through contemplative prayer. Such practices has opened the door for Christian psychologists
are beginning to garner empirical support in and researchers to walk through to build upon
randomized waiting list control group studies his proposed strategies for cultivating a healthy
(Knabb & Vazquez, 2018). In addition, evidence identity as a beloved child of God. When wor-
is also emerging on how to approach principles king with the most wounded amongst us, more