Page 68 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
P. 68
Ninky C. Shuenyane (South Africa) Ninky C. Shuenyane (South Africa)
The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit and
and Counselling Counselling
Human beings are by nature de- Batho botlhe ka tlholego, ba ikantse
pendent on God and all of His go Modimo le tseo a di tlhodileng.
creation. This indicates that we Seo se kaa gore re dibopiwa tse di tl-
are relational beings who must hokang botsalano, mme re tshwanet-
live in a harmonious relation- swe ke go nna le botsalano jo bont-
ship with God, with others and le le Modimo, le bangwe ka rona, le
the environment around us, for tlholego e re nnang mo go yone; seo
us to be fulfilled (Farnsworth, ke gore re bone botshelo jo bo
1985). More and more people Ninky Shuenyane (MA) nonofileng (Farnsworth 1985).
Batho ba le bantsi ba tsholo-
are going to church, not only is a South African Research gela kwa mafelong a kobame-
for their spiritual fulfilment and Psychologist. Both Theology lo go ya go bona thuso ka ga
corporate worship, but also to and Psychology can change matsapa a ba rakanang nao mo
seek solutions and assistance humanity for the better and botshelong; ga ba ele fela go ya
with everyday life challenges. enhancing the integration bet- go rorisa Modimo le go bona
This, as a discord or breakdown ween the two disciplines to phuthulogo mo moweng. Seno
may have arisen from relation- alleviate suffering and build a se diriwa ke go raraana le go
ships with others, with God and better humanity is of interest thubega ga botsalano gareng ga
our environment may have oc- to Ninky. batho, Modimo, tota le tlholego
curred. eo re nnang mo go yone. Fa dinako do ntse di fetoga, le
Additionally, as societies evolve, ditshaba le tsone di a fetoga, ka
life challenges faced by people Article by Nincy: http://www. jalo mathata a batho ba rakanga
more complex than they were nao mo botshelong, a raraane le
in the previous decades and go feta ka metlheng ya bogolo-
centuries. Individuals, families golo. Batho, malapa, le mo me-
and communities are faced with problems such tseng ba tshwaragane le mathata a a tshwanang
as unemployment, poverty, substance abuse, le: go tlhoka dirito, go itsholela, go diriswa ga
domestic abuse, political unrest, technological nnotagi le diritibatsi, go tlhokofadiwa, go sa
advancement, climate change, chronic illnes- iketle ga di-politiki, tswelopele ya ditegnologi,
ses like HIV/AIDS and so on. These have led to go fetoga ga boleng jwa bosa, malwetse jaaka
the need for more specialised counselling skills HIV/AIDS, jalo jalo. Tsotlhe tseno di gogela ba-
and practices across the helping professions tho go tlhoka ditirelo tsa counselling tse di ma-
and in church. Biblical counselling in churches leba go tswa go badiredi-thuso le kwa mafelong
has shown much benefit in helping people as it a kobamelo. Counselling ya se-Keresete e bona-
takes into account the person as a holistic being, la e thusa batho thata ka e tsenya tsotlhe tseo
including the spiritual aspect as well as body di amang motho, go akaretsa mmele, mowa, le
and mind. This is necessary in treating the who- tlhaloganyo. Seno se botlhokwa tota ka gonne
le person and helping them to adapt to change motho o fodisiwa ka gotlhelele, mme a kgone
(Shuenyane, 2016). go lebana le diphetogo mo botshelong jwa gag-
we (Shuenyane, 2016).
The goal of counselling is to help and empower Maikaelolo le ditlamorago tsa counselling ke
a person to be able to restore broken relations go thusa le go nonofisa motho gore a kgone go
with God, with themselves, with others and the tsosolosa botsalano jo bo thubegileng gareng ga
environment they live in. It is to help move a gagwe le Modimo, le ene ka bo-ene, le bangwe-