Page 65 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
P. 65

Wolfram Soldan (Germany)
             Comment to

             “Psychotherapy and                                   Wolfram Soldan
                                                                  is  a  physician
             the Holy Spirit. New                                 and  psychothe-

             perspectives in “providing                           rapist,  and  has
                                                                  for  many  years
             care” in the no-man’s land                           now been a staff
                                                                  member  at  the
             on the borders between                               IGNIS     Acade-
             the psychological and                                my in Kitzingen.
                                                                  He worked for 2 years in what is now the
             spiritual.“                                          DE’IGNIS  clinic,  and  was  then  in  charge
                                                                  of the IGNIS therapy centre for 5 years; he
                                                                  afterwards became a tutor in the field of cli-
                                                                  nical  psychology  at  the  IITC  (ICP-IGNIS
                                                                  Tutorial  Center).  Today  he  is  involved  in
             I was interested to read the article “Psychothera-   training in counselling and spiritual coun-
             py and the Holy Spirit” by our colleague Cascio-     selling  (for  clinical  psychology)  with  an
             li. Much of it is in a compact thesis-style, leaves   emphasis on drawing on the Bible in coun-
             questions open, but also motivates the reader        selling,  forgiveness,  and  sexuality,  and  is
             to develop thoughts further. It was refreshing,      also a therapist and supervisor.
             in my view, to see how directly and straightfor-
             wardly  Father  Cascioli  opened  discussion  on           
             invisible realities as a matter of course and with
             self-assurance.  It  is  made  quite  unmistakably   Articles by Wolfram:
             clear that psychotherapy cannot set growth and
             change as a goal and simultaneously claim to be
             “scientifically value-free”. Change needs a direc-
             tion, a goal, which, for human beings, cannot be
             separated from their values. The fact that there
             is a close connection between the dyadic thera-   I found it very courageous how he interpreted
             peutic relationship and the divine relationship   enthusiasm as an effect of God’s working within
             (within the Trinity and between God and man),     me,  choosing  the  highly  pointed  phrasing  of
             and especially that with the Holy Spirit, is for   a  “temperate  intoxication  of  the  spirit”  which
             me too a central pillar in a relational Christi-  has  a  “contagious”  effect.  This  makes  it  clear
             an therapy. On this point in the article, I would   that taking the invisible world seriously cannot
             have  wished  for  stronger  arguments  underli-  be  done  abstractly  and  without  commitment.
             ning this thesis.                                 Consistent  with  this  is  the  author’s  emphasis
                                                               that, for every Christian, the psycho-therapeu-
             IGNIS  originally  came  from  a  trichotomous    tic  path,  thought  through  from  beginning  to
             spirit/soul/body  anthropology  and  meanwhile    end, must always be a personal path of faith (for
             emphasises  the  holistic  nature  of  man.  I  find   every therapist, as well as for every client, who
             Cascioli’s  formulation  of  a  three-dimensional   considers himself a Christian).
             anthropology  quite  accurate,  one  in  which
             body, soul and spirit cannot be considered in     In my personal Bible study, it strikes me how
             isolation without creating something artificial:   inseparably the phenomena of rebirth, sancti-
             rather, only an approach based on their inter-    fication and healing are intertwined with each
             relationships can give an accurate picture.       other in the New Testament, so much so that

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